00217 - Administrative Law

Academic Year 2022/2023

Learning outcomes

The course aims to provide students with the tools necessary to achieve a comprehensive level of preparation on the most important principles and institutions of Administrative Law, such as: the reasons for the existence of a public power and its subjecton to legal rules; the law of public administration; the administrative organization at central and local level; the functional moment of administrative action and its pathology; the institutions of administrative justice. All this will be carried out by linking to the most innovative and still disputed issues of Administrative Law highlighted in different doctrinal theories and in case-law

Course contents

Master’s degree students

1. Genesi e sviluppo del diritto amministrativo

2. Le fonti del diritto amministrativo

3. Il potere amministrativo

4. Le situazioni giuridiche soggettive dei privati nei rapporti con le pubbliche amministrazioni

5. Organizzazione amministrativa

6. Il personale pubblico

7. I beni pubblici

8. Il procedimento amministrativo

9. Il provvedimento amministrativo

10. I contratti pubblici

11. I servizi pubblici

12. La responsabilità della pubblica amministrazione

13. La tutela dei cittadini nei confronti degli atti e dei comportamenti delle amministrazioni

14. I ricorsi amministrativi

15. La giurisdizione amministrativa

16. Le azioni proponibili dinnanzi al giudice amministrativo

17. Il ricorso giurisdizionale

18. Lo svolgimento del processo amministrativo

19. Il giudizio di ottemperanza

20. La giurisdizione ordinaria nei confronti della pubblica amministrazione

Students who need to obtain fewer than 18 credits (for example, those who passed the exams of “Diritto amministrativo e degli appalti pubblici” and “Diritto pubblico dello sport”, or other similar exams of the course “Giurista per le imprese e per la pubblica amministrazione”) must define the content of the exam together with the Professor Massimo Calcagnile, during the office hours.

GIPA students

1. Genesi e sviluppo del diritto amministrativo

2. Le fonti del diritto amministrativo

3. Il potere amministrativo

4. Le situazioni giuridiche soggettive dei privati nei rapporti con le pubbliche amministrazioni

5. Organizzazione amministrativa

6. Il personale pubblico

7. I beni pubblici

8. Il procedimento amministrativo

9. Il provvedimento amministrativo

10. I contratti pubblici

11. I servizi pubblici

12. La responsabilità della pubblica amministrazione


Master’s degree students

For substantive law:

G. della CANANEA - M. DUGATO - B. MARCHETTI - A. POLICE - M. RAMAJOLI, Manuale di diritto amministrativo, Giappichelli, Torino, 2022

For procedural law:

C.E. GALLO, Manuale di giustizia amministrativa, Giappichelli, Torino, 2022

Students who want to examine some aspects of the course can read:

- C. FRANCHINI, L'intervento pubblico di contrasto alla povertà, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2021;

- C. FRANCHINI, La disciplina pubblica dell'economia tra diritto nazionale, diritto europeo e diritto globale, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2020;

-S. FANTINI, H. SIMONETTI, Le basi del diritto dei contratti pubblici, Milano, Giuffrè, terza ed., 2022.

GIPA students

G. della CANANEA - M. DUGATO - B. MARCHETTI - A. POLICE - M. RAMAJOLI, Manuale di diritto amministrativo, Giappichelli, Torino, 2022

Students who want to examine some aspects of the course can read:

- C. FRANCHINI, L'intervento pubblico di contrasto alla povertà, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2021;

- C. FRANCHINI, La disciplina pubblica dell'economia tra diritto nazionale, diritto europeo e diritto globale, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2020;

-S. FANTINI, H. SIMONETTI, Le basi del diritto dei contratti pubblici, Milano, Giuffrè, terza ed., 2022.

Students enrolled in the previous academic years can use syllabus recommended during the year they have attended lessons. They can find them in the Web Guide of the course.


Teaching methods

The course will consist in lectures held in class and on-line (blended learning), according to the methods described by the website of the faculty of Scienze Giuridiche [http://dsg.unibo.it/it/dipartimento]. [http://dsg.unibo.it/it/dipartimento].

Students could ask for advice both during lectures and during the weakly office hours, indicated at the bottom of this page.

After having provided the students with the primary general legal notions relating to the subject, the course aim to develop a students’ active involvement through lectures and activity to analyze the most original and controversial aspects and questions of the matter studied during the course. For these reasons, the course aim to study and illustrate the jurisprudence and the legal doctrine, with specific attention to cases that involve fundamental aspects of administrative law.

In parallel to the lessons, one or more practices will take place face to face or online, lasting about 2 hours, consisting in the concise illustration of a topic by the teacher and in the delivering to the students of an open-ended question, in the drafting by students of a written text following the instructions set out above (within the time limits and according to the extension indicated by the teacher), finally in the self-correction by the students following a description by the teacher of the optimal methods and contents of the written answer, leaving the students time for questions and request for verification of any errors.

The course “Diritto amministrativo” consists of three modules. The first one is given by Prof. Giuseppe Caia, the second one is given by Prof. Massimo Calcagnile and the last one by Prof. Dallari.

Students are recommended to read communications about the course and the lessons from the website of the course.


Assessment methods

Final exam will be held in oral form and the evaluation will be expressed out in thirty. The interview will focus on the topics indicated in the "Course contents" section, in order to verify the students' acquisition of the concepts taught within the course.

The student’s degree of preparation will be evaluated as follows:

18-19 Very limiteted preparation. Basic answer to questions. Not very technical presentation

20-23 Discreet preparation. Accetable answer to questions. Exposure with elements of technicality.

24-27 Good preparation. Relevant answers. Technical and appropriate exposure.

28-29 Great preparation. Complete answers with exact terminology. Good ability exposure.

30 Excellent preparation. Answers supported by complete knowledge and with very appropriate terminology. Systematic exposure.

30 L Uncommon and excellent preparation. Very satisfying answers that denote study, indepth culture and acquired logical ability. Reconstructive and brillant exposure.

The final exam registration can only be made on-line on the University of Bologna web application


Supervision of the final thesis is offered after a preliminary meeting, which will take place during the office hours reported on the Professor’s website.

Eventually, the appointment of a correlator will have to be agreed with the Professor who assigned the thesis.

Waiting lists are not planned.


Teaching tools

To facilitate the learning and the study of the content of the lectures and the seminars, students will be provided with further teaching resources. Teaching materials will be uploaded on the Professor’s website: http://www.unibo.it/docenti/giuseppe.caia and on the section of this website dedicated to the teaching tools. Students could access to the teaching resources only with their institutional credentials, username and password.

Students with disabilities or learning disabilities (DSA) who need additional support will be able to refer to the Professor to discuss their needs and be directed to the relevant personnel and agree on specific assistance.


Office hours

See the website of Massimo Calcagnile

See the website of Giuseppe Caia

See the website of Filippo Dallari