36814 - General Surgery 1 (AK-B)

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students will know general and essential aspects of physiopathology regarding the surgical approach to medical practice. Students will be able to manage appropriately the surgical symptomatology approach to the patient by adopting principles of objective evaluation and by knowing instrumental diagnostic procedures. The integration between knowledge of clinical physiopathology and surgical symptomatology will make students able to understand and deal with elementary bases of diseases in preparation of the following steps of the study of medicine.

Course contents

Breast - Importance of medical history and of physical examination, identification of a pathological mass. Exploration of the axillary region and of other pathways of tumor spread. Planning of a correct clinical and instrumental diagnostic process differentiating benign and malignant diseases. 

Obstructive jaundice - Definition and medical history evaluation of cholestasis. Knowledge of anatomy of liver and biliary tract, of different features of disease presentation and of lab tests. Importance of physical examination in benign and malignant diseases. Knowledge of invasive and non-invasive instrumental diagnosis techniques. 

Hernia - Overview of abdominal wall hernia and internal hernia. Classification of hernia. Complications of hernia. Importance of medical history and of physical examination. Signs and symptoms. Lab tests. Instrumental diagnosis.

Perineum and anus - Phyisical examination and instrumental diagnosis of diseases affecting perineum and anus. Hemorroids, anal fissures, abscesses, fistulae, anal cancer, rectocele, cystocele. Disease classification. Complications. Techniques of invasive and non-invasive instrumental diagnosis.

Intestinal obstruction - Definition and classification. Knowledge of digestive system anatomy. Recognizion of intestinal obstruction through medical history, physical examination, lab tests and instrumental techniques.    

Peritonitis - Definition of acute abdomen and classification of peritonitis. Knowledge of the anatomy of abdominal organs. Importance of an immediate diagnosis through medical history, of physical examination, and of clinical interptetation of lab tests. 


The purchase of specific testbooks is not mandatory because all the necessary materials will be provided as .ppt presentaions during the lectures.

As a support, the following text is suggested: "Metodologia Clinica e Sistematica Medico-Chirurgica"; Editor: Bruno Nardo; Publisher: Esculapio, year 2015.


Teaching methods

Teaching of composed of 4 credits, corresponding to lectures for a total of 16 hours.

Assessment methods

The final test aims at assessing the accomplishment of educational purposes mentioned in "Learning outcomes" and "Course contents" sections. The final grade wil be assigned, through an oral examination, as the average grade of all disciplines included in the course.  

Teaching tools

The educational material presented during lectures will be made available to students.

Office hours

See the website of Matteo Cescon