76048 - Clinical Pathology

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Podiatry (cod. 8479)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the unit students have the ability to understand blood coagulation mechanisms and related laboratory tests; they are able to correctly interpret blood, liver and urinary lab tests values.

Course contents

- Laboratory tests for the diagnosis of diabetes. Classification of diabetes; main pathophysiological features of diabetes; laboratory tests for the diagnosis and for the follow-up of diabetic patients.

- Laboratory tests for the diagnosis of coagulation disorders. The principal phases of the hemostatic process; laboratory tests for the evaluation of platelet function and coagulation cascade.

- Laboratory tests for the diagnosis of hepatic disorders. Serum enzymes indicative of cytolysis and cholestasis; albumin/globulin ratio; coagulation factors.

- Laboratory tests for the diagnosis of renal system disorders. Urine analysis: physical, chemical and microscopic examination.

- Other laboratory tests. complete blood count (CBC);VES; PCR; Serum proteins;


Suggested for consultation:

- Marcello Ciaccio e Giuseppe Lippi: Biochimica Clinica e Medicina di Laboratorio. Terza edizione, 2020 EdiSES Università S.r.l. - Napoli.

- Italo Antonozzi e Elio Gulletta: Medicina di Laboratorio: Logica & Patologia Clinica. Terza edizione, 2019 Piccin Nuova Libraria S.p.A. Padova.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons for 8 hours (1 CFU)

Assessment methods

Written test. 

The final examination aims to assess that the student has acquired the fundamental notions for a critical evaluation and interpretation of the results of the main clinical laboratory tests.

Teaching tools

The slides shown during the lessons are available at the Web site: https://virtuale.unibo.it/ Username e password are reserved to students of Bologna University.

Office hours

See the website of Carla Renata Arciola


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