91067 - MRI joint Imaging Techniques (RN)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques (cod. 9079)

Learning outcomes

The student acquires MRI techniques to produce high quality images in osteoarticular MRI.

Course contents

Physical principles of MR image formation MR image formation: acquisition-processing-visualization Historical introduction on nuclear magnetic resonance Technological evolution of MR systems Main components of an MRI Structural and technological requirements of an MRI room Basic principles of low-field and high-field MRI Principles, advantages and disadvantages of 3T MRI Basic characteristics and method of acquiring MR images MR transmission and reception parameters MRI SAR parameters Geometric parameters of MRI MRI reconstruction parameters MRI display parameters Optimization of MR techniques: quality and noise Image post processing techniques: MPR, MIP, MinIP, SSD. MRI artifacts: how to recognize and prevent them

study protocols: Hip MRI study protocol KNEE MRI study protocol ankle MRI study protocol WRIST / HAND MRI study protocol FOOT MRI study protocol SHOULDER MRI study protocol MRI study protocol ELBOW TMJ MRI study protocol


  • anatomia radiologica tecnica e metodologia propedeutiche alla diagnostica mediante immagini seconda edizione F.MAZZUCCATO.
  • manuale di rm per TSRM seconda edizione A.VANZULLI, P.TORRICELLI e G.RAIMONDI.
  • anatomia umana atlante di W.HEIDEGGER

Teaching methods

For each osteoarticular MRI study protocol, the student must know: The main indications for the investigation The procedures for welcoming and identifying the user from taking charge to leaving the patient Verification and evaluation of radiological requests Patient management and preparation Use of contrast media appropriate choice of the type of acquisition Patient positioning, centering, and study protocol procedures Appropriate choice of image acquisition-processing and display parameters Correctness criteria for MR images MRI of the joint anatomy

Assessment methods

The verification of learning takes place through a final oral exam that verifies the acquisition of the knowledge and skills expected in the context of the procedures in the RM room, on the main topics covered during the lessons, where the candidate describes the images and the protocol of MRI study used The test will be evaluated on the basis of the following parameters: - knowledge, mastery and deepening of the contents - critical and expository skills - technical-scientific terminological correctness

Teaching tools

The didactic material presented in class (PPT) will be made available to the student in electronic format (Pdf) on a PC. This material can be printed and brought to class or uploaded to a PC on the day of class.

Office hours

See the website of Daniele Campanini