55002 - Chemistry of Organic Pollutants

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences (cod. 8518)

Learning outcomes

After this class, the student will know about the basic concepts on the principal classes of organic pollutants, their sources and effects, the chemical reactions interesting them or generating them.

Course contents

- The ozone layer: ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances)

- Greenhouse gas emissions and global warming 

- Fossil fuels - Biofuels

- Tropospheric chemistry and photochemical smog  

- Atmospheric particulate matter - The great smog of London -Acid rain

- Volatile organic compounds (VOCs): indoor and outdoor pollution

- Organic pollutants: physical and chemical properties, environmental distribution. 

- Polycyclic aromati hydrocarbons (PAHs) 

- Persistent organic pollutants (POPs): long range transport and bioaccumulation

Dioxins (PCDDs) - Benzofurane derivatives - Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 

Pesticides- Fertilizers - Endocrine disruptors - Surfactants 

- Organic polymers

- Waste management

- Biodegradation - Bioremediation  

The green chemistry


C. Baird, "Chimica Ambientale", Zanichelli

S. E. Manahan, "Chimica dell'ambiente", Piccin

Teaching methods

Lectures with slide presentations.

Assessment methods

Oral examination during which the student will expose his acquirements on the main organic pollutants. The student is expected to know the chemical structure, the physical and chemical  properties and the environmental behaviour (partitioning between phases, reactivity, persistence, transport, bioaccumulation), the main antropic sources and the main effects on the biotic and abiotic world.    

Teaching tools


Office hours

See the website of Silvia Pieraccini