01215 - Systematic Zoology

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Natural Sciences (cod. 8016)

Learning outcomes

This course provides an overview of the invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Topics include animal classification and phylogeny, anatomical structure and function, and roles in the environment. Laboratory practical work emphasises observation and investigation of preserved specimens. On successful completion of the course students should be able to: describe the fundamental differences among animal body plans and relate them to evolutionary relationships among phyla; describe key issues concerning these animals in nature; identify many animal specimens to phylum, class, order, or lower taxonomic levels; identify anatomical structures from prepared specimens.

Course contents

LECTURES: phylogenesis and classification. Parazoa : Monoblastozoa . Porifera (Calcarea, Hyalospongiae , Demospongiae ); morfologia, filogenesi, autoecologia . Placozoa . Raggiata : Cnidaria ( Hydrozoa , Shyphozoa , Cubozoa , Anthozoa ); morfologia, filogenesi, autoecologia , simbiosi, metagenesi. Ctenophora . Bilatera : Acelomati : Platyhelminthes ( Turbellaria , Trematoda , Monogenea , Cestoda ); morfologia, filogenesi, autoecologia , cicli biologici. Mesozoa . Nemertea . Celomati : Protostomi : Gnathostomulida . Rotifera . Acanthocephala . Gastrotricha . Entoprocta . Bryozoa . Brachiopoda . Phoronida . Mollusca ( Monoplacophora ; Aplacophora : Caudofoveata , Solenogastres ; Polyplacophora ; Gastropoda : Prosobranchia - Achaeogastropoda , Mesogastropoda , Neogastropoda ; Opistobranchia - Tettibranchia , Nudibranchia ; Pulmonata - Basommatophora , Stylommatophora ; Bivalvia - Protobranchia , Filibranchia, Lamellibranchia , Septibranchia ; Scaphopoda ; Cephalopoda - Nautiloidea , Decapoda , Octopoda ). Annelida ( Polychaeta , Oligochaeta , Hirudinea ). Pogonophora . Echiura . Sipuncula . Ecdisiozoi : Nematoda ( Phasmida , Aphasmida ); morfologia, filogenesi, autoecologia , cicli biologici. Nematomorpha . Kinorhyncha . Priapulida . Loricifera . Onychophora . Tardigrada. Arthropoda . Chelicerata ( Merostomata - Xiphosura ; Arachnida - Scorpiones , Uropygi , Araneae , Pseudoscorpiones , Solifugae , Opiliones , Acari; Pycnogonida ); Crustacea ( Branchiopoda - Anostraca , Notostraca , Conchostraca , Cladocera ; Copepoda ; Ostracoda ; Pentastomida ; Cirripedia ; Malacostraca - Stomatopoda , Isopoda , Amphipoda , Euphasiacea , Decapoda ); Uniramia ( Diplopoda ; Chilopoda ; Insecta - Protura , Diplura , Collembola , Thysanura , Ephemeroptera , Odonata , Orthoptera , Dermaptera , Isoptera , Mallophaga , Anoplura , Tysanoptera , Hemiptera , Homoptera , Neuroptera , Coleoptera , Trichoptera , Lepidoptera , Diptera, Siphonaptera , Hymenoptera ). Celomati : Deuterostomi : Chaetognatha . Echinodermata ( Crinoidea , Asteroidea , Ophiuroidea , Echinoidea , Holoturoidea ). Hemichordata . Chordata . Urochordata ( Ascidiacea , Larvacea , Thaliacea ); Cephalocordata ; Vertebrata ( Heterostraca ; Cephalaspida ; Chondrichthyes - Elasmobranchii , Holocephali ; Osteichthyes - Brachiopterygii , Actinopterygii : Chondrostei , Olostei, Teleostei, Dipnoa , Crossopterygii ; Amphibia - Anura, Urodela , Gymnophiona ; Reptilia - Chelonia ; Rhynchocoephalia ; Squamata: Lacertilia , Amphisbaenia , Serpentes ; Crocodilia ; Aves - Paleognathae , Neognathae ; Mammalia - Prototheria ; Theria : Metatheria , Eutheria .
PRACTICE IN LABORATORY: identification of studied taxa (macroscopical and microscopical specimens).


Hickman et al. - Diversità animale (15°ed.) - McGraw-Hill
Mitchell, Mutchmor, Dolphin - Zoologia - Zanichelli
Westheide, Rieger - Zoologia sistematica - Zanichelli
Sabelli B. - Atlante di diversità e morfologia degli invertebrati - Piccin-Nuova Libaria

Teaching methods

Lectures, with .ppt presentatons, and practice in laboratory

Assessment methods

Oral and practical exam

Teaching tools

Macroscopic and microscopic laboratory

Office hours

See the website of Marco Passamonti