Academic Year 2018/2019

Learning outcomes

Aim of the course is giving the students a deep and complete knowledge of Italian insolvency law and a framework of European law on the crisis. It will be studied European Regulation n. 848-2015, on insolvency proceedings, together with Italian law governing the following proceedings: “liquidazione giudiziale” (bankruptcy), “concordato preventivo”, “accordi di ristrutturazione dei debiti” and “piani di risanamento” (agreements with creditors), “liquidazione coatta amministrativa” (compulsory administrative liquidation), “amministrazione straordinaria delle grandi imprese in stato di insolvenza” (extraordinary administration of big corporations in state of insolvency). Specific focus will be also given to European and Italian law on overindebtedness.

Course contents

Insolvency Regulation n. 848/2015

Royal decree n. 267/1942, on "fallimento" and other insolvency proceedings. 

Law n. 3/2012, on overindebtedness



NIGRO, VATTERMOLI, Diritto della crisi delle imprese, Il Mulino, Bologna, last edition.

Teaching methods

During the lectures, it will be made a general, social and economic framework of the subjects and a presentation of the main rules stated by our legal system.

Assessment methods

During the oral examination the students will have to show their knowledge of business law by discussing three or four subjects studied in their textbooks.

Teaching tools

Apart from the handbooks suggested for studying all the contents of the course, during the lectures the teacher will indicate other books, articles, judgments about subjects which could be particularly interesting for the students.

Office hours

See the website of Edgardo Ricciardiello