12442 - Economics of the Public Sector

Academic Year 2017/2018

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is the economic based analysis of the intervention of the State in the market economies. The student will reach the ability to understand the management of the public spending in an European comparative perspective.  

Course contents

FIRST PART: Reasons and ways of the State intervention.

  1. Economic reasons. Welfare Economics theorems.
  2. Market failures.
  3. Democratic public decision making process

SECOND PART: State balance

  1. Economic determinants of the State Balance
  2. Italian State balance
  3. Welfare expenditures 

 THIRD PART: Enterprises confiscated to mafias,

  1. Re-use strategies.
  2. Further details during the lectures




Stiglitz, J., Economia del settore pubblico, Hoepli, Milano, Second edition, 2003, vol. 1, chapts. 1-11.

Stiglitz, J., Economia del settore pubblico, Hoepli, Milano, second edition, 2003, vol. 2, chapts. 1, 4-7, 11.

Teaching methods


Assessment methods

Written exam with open questions.

Oral exam on the monographic part.


Two partial exams can substitute the total written exam 

Teaching tools

Further readings and the ppt. files of the lectures are available on the mode platform of the course.


Office hours

See the website of Giovanni Maria Mazzanti