02512 - Sociology of Organisation

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Docente: Vando Borghi
  • Credits: 8
  • SSD: SPS/09
  • Language: Italian

Learning outcomes

After completing the course the student

- knows the main properties of organizational and institutional processes

- knows and can use the most relevant sociological tools in the study of organizations and institutions

- knows the main issues characterizing the complex organizational environments, both in the economic processes and labor market, and in the public institutions and services

Moreover, the student

- is able to plan and participate in actions of research and understanding of the organizational issues
- can promote interventions and for (re)design organizational environments
- masters problems of relations between actors and organizational processes in the development's projects life cycle and socio-economic interventions

Course contents

The course aims at:
a) providing analytical tools for the exploration and investigation of phenomena related to complex organizational and institutional environments
b) accompanying, supporting and supervising these analytical tools and testing through field exercises

In the current A.Y. the course will be involved in the international project ROCK, Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities. Students will conduct on field activities in the context of the project; their own results and the developments of the whole project will be discussed in the lectures.

Course's contents are irectly linked to the Sustainable Development Goal n. 11. Sustainable cities and communities.


Attending students:

  1. O. de Leonardis, Le istituzioni, Carocci, 2011, and
  2. G. Semi, L'osservazione partecipante, Il Mulino, 2010

Not attending students, two alternative paths.
Path a), Processi organizzativi e questioni di welfare:
a1) one of the following texts: L. Bifulco, Che cosa è una organizzazione, Carocci, 2012 [nuova edizione]; O.de Leonardis, Le istituzioni, Carocci, 2011.
a2) L. Bifulco, L. Centemeri, Governance and participation in local welfare: the case of the Italian Piani di Zona, "Social Policy and Administration", vol. 42, n. 3, 2008, pp. 211-227
a3) V. Borghi, R. van Berkel, Individualised service provision in an era of activation and new governance, "International journal of sociology and social policy, 2007, vol. 27, n. 9/10, pp. 413-424.

Path b), Processi organizzativi e trasformazioni del lavoro:
b1) Negrelli S., Le trasformazioni del lavoro: modelli e tendenze nel capitalismo globale, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2013.
b2) K.J. Chan, N. Pun, M. Selden, The politics of global production: Apple, Foxconn and China's new working class, "New technology, work and employment", vol. 28, n. 2, 2013, pp. 110-115
b3) M. Glucksmann, Shifting boundaries of interconnections: Extending the 'total social organization of laboue', "The sociological review", vol. 53, n. 2, 2005, p. 19-36

Students are suggested to read/consult:

W. Richard Scott,  Le organizzazioni, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007

Karl E. Weick, Senso e significato nell'organizzazione : alla ricerca delle ambiguità e delle contraddizioni nei processi organizzativi, Milano, R. Cortina, 1997


Teaching methods

- conventional lectures
- on field exercises

Assessment methods

Attending students::
- writing a paper, about the topics developed on the field, discussed through the compulsory textx

Not attending students:
- writing a paper, according the rules in the online information of the course



  • The paper must be delivered both in file and in hard copy (it can be delivered by hand to the professor or delivered - by mail or by hand - in the mailbox of the Department of the teacher)
  • The verbalization of the paper evaluation takes place at receiving hours and there is no need to make an appointment (nor apply for appeals)
  • The paper will be considered to be evaluated (and therefore it will need to be received for the registration of the vote) from about 15 days after delivery of the paper
  • This timing can not be changed at all even in the preceding academic year deadlines
  • The evaluation will only start once the teacher has the paper copy in hand
  • Please do not deliver papers during the months of July, February, December
  • all the students with specific deadlines (for grants, competitions, etc.) must deliver the paper by the 15th of themonth before that deadline

Teaching tools

Office hours

See the website of Vando Borghi