74877 - Animal Genetic Improvement

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Docente: Roberta Davoli
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: AGR/17
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Animal Production (cod. 8882)

Learning outcomes


The course of animal genetic improvement aims to give to the students the basic elements of quantitative genetics, selection and genetic merit estimation methods of animals selected for reproduction and then to go to the application of principles of quantitative genetics in practising breeding. Moreover the course aims also to underline that the knowledge of the theory of selection is an essential step very important in the applicative field of gentic improvement of farm animals .

Course contents

Course contents-

Prerequisites. The student approaching to the course has at least a basic knowledge of mendelian heredity, of the structure  of a gene and of genetic material of the cells. Moreover the student  has also a basic knowledge on essential elements of ststistics related to  correlation and regression, variance analysis of a variable and the fundamental knowledge on  genetics of population. It's necessary that the student  can be  able to read  basic and simple  sentences  written in english  to can understand the content of the slides that the teacher could utilise during the course. 

Programme and content -

Module of Genetic Improvement - Heredity of quantitative traits. Genetic and environmental factors influencing the variability of quantitative traits. Normal distribution ( Gauss curve).  Basic element of variance analysis of quantitative traits . Coefficient of heritability and repeatability. Coefficient of relationship. The kinship and genetic improvement. Inbreeding. The operative steps of selection. The choice of the animals for reproduction on the basis of genetic merit.Genetic evaluation of the animals on the basis of the individual phenotype (performance test) and or of related animals :pedigree index, sib-test, progeny test . Minimal outline  on BLUP and Animal Model techniques . Selection for more than one trait. Realization of selection in Italy for the main bred specie. Minimal outline of new approaches and new opportunities  based on genetic markers applied for selection of farm animals.

The course of lessons will be implemented with exsercises and practical examples of the arguments on quantitative genetics, seminars, visit to farms to meet technics onvolved in practical problems of livestock genetic improvement and also meetings will be organised to meet  operators and technicians  working in National Associations of breeders in Italy.  



The materials for the exam of Genetic Improvememt  is  represented by  Class notes of the lessons and  slides available for the students on AMS Campus during the lessons .

Moreover for the module of Genetic Improvement  the following text books are suggested  

G.Bittante, I.Andrighetto, M.Ramanzin. "Fondamenti di Zootecnica" -Liviana Editrice

G.Pagnacco "Genetica animale applicata" Casa Editrice Ambrosiana

Teaching methods

The course   is represented   frontal lessons with slides presentation and 40% of the hours will be dedicated to   more  practical aspects with  visits to livestock farms, seminars  and discussions with experts and various operators and technicians  in the specific field and involved in National Associations of breeders of livestock for meat or milk  production  




Assessment methods

The final  vote of the exam of "Genetic Improvement " is represented byf the evaluations  regarding an oral examinations of the students with at least three questions on the explained arguments. The exam will be concluded  approx in 20-25 minutes. The evaluation concerns of questions on  themes and exercises  developed during the  lessons  reported in the programme ( see also prerequisite). The exam will consider also  both the capacity of the student to develop the  reasoning  process to answer to  the questions and  the ability to discuss on the arguments demonstrating the level of comprehension of the discipline.The evaluations obtained  don't have any  deadline.

Teaching tools

Teaching tools:

Slides presentation on the presented  themes . The slide presented will be included as attached files in the web site of AMS Campus

Exercises and problems on specific themes

Some time will be spent  time (a few hours) to further  explain   the more complex item already presented to invite the studnets to ask for a new explanatio and invite them to a free discussion on these themes more difficult to understand.

Visit to livestock  farms

Experts of selection in farm animals wil be invited for seminars  to the student

Office hours

See the website of Roberta Davoli