75702 - Geography of Sustainable Tourism

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Economics of Tourism (cod. 8847)

Learning outcomes

The course aim is to introduce students to the definition and characteristics of the tourism phenomenon, to explain the role of tourism in shaping urban and rural development at the regional, national and international scale. Core of the course is the concept of sustainability and its application to tourism attitudes and practices. At the end of the course the student should be able to interpret the evolution and organization of tourism in space, understanding the policies and strategies for enhancing sustainability in tourism products

Course contents

Tourism: some definitions and different approaches to the sector's analysis

Heritage and culture: definition and interpretation

Tourism and territory: model and interpretation tools of the tourism phenomenon

Culture, tourism and development: the geographical approach to local development

Culture, tourism and sustainability: international agreements and policies in the sustainable and cultural tourism field: ethic charts (UNESCO, ICCROM, ICOMOS, UNWTO, IEIC, AITR, EARTH)

Culture, tourism and sustainability: methodology and operational tools (LAC, NGT, indicators for the analysis of Local Systems of Tourism Supply)

Culture, tourism and territory: management plans for UNESCO World Heritage Sites as an example of integration between culture and tourism


Lorenzo Bagnoli, Manuale di geografia del turismo. Dal Grand Tour ai sistemi turistici, Torino, UTET, 2014. Terza edizione. Esclusivamente i capitoli 2,3,4,5.

Filippo Bencardino, Maria Prezioso, “Geografia del turismo", Milano, Mc Graw-Hill, 2007. Esclusivamente i capitoli 2 e 4.

Dallari F. e Mariotti A. (eds.), “Turismo fra sviluppo locale e cooperazione interregionale”, Bologna, Patron, 2006. Part 4.

A. Vallega, La regione sistema territoriale sostenibile, Milano, Mursia, 1995. Chapter 4

J-M. Dewailly, E. Flament, Geografia del turismo, Bologna, CLUEB, 1996. Paragraph. 1.1 and Chapter 7

Teaching materials, integrating the textbook's contents, will be available online.

Suggested readings:

Borghi R., Mariotti A. and Safarzadeh N., Tourism and recent Heritage, Mutualheritage, ISBN: 978-2-9538332-1-8 free downloadable athttp://evolving-heritage.net/http://evolving-heritage.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Handbook-tourisme-et-patrimoine.pdf [http://evolving-heritage.net/http:/evolving-heritage.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Handbook-tourisme-et-patrimoine.pdf]

M.J. Verbeke, G.K. Priestley and A.P. Russo, Cultural Resources for Tourism, Novapublisher, 2008.

M. Aime, L'incontro mancato, Bollati Boringhieri, 2005.

Santagata W. e Trimarchi M., (a cura di), Turismo culturale e crescita del territorio. Identità, tradizioni e piaceri nel Monferrato, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2007.

Teaching methods

Lectures 80%

Exercises 20%

Assessment methods

The evaluation consists in a compulsory written exam lasting 60 minutes and organized in three open questions. To pass the exam, the student should demonstrate on one side to have reached the learning outcomes and on the other to be able to use the concepts learnd during the course, applying them to the analysis of the relationships between tourism and local territorial systems. Out of topic answers will not be evaluated. To pass the exam the student has to answer to all the questions. During the exam, the students are allowed to have on them only stationary and an identity card or document. Paper will be distributed by the teacher. The questions will be simultaneously given at the beginning of the exam (if necessary through a PPT). In the first five minutes students not feeling able to give proper answers to the questions are allowed to leave the exam. Each answer will be evaluated in 30 points, the final mark consist in the average of the three evaluation (0,5 point will be round up to the next point). Registration for the exam is compulsory, and students have to register through AlmaEsami [https://almaesami.unibo.it/almaesami/welcome.htm] according to the general rules of the School of Economics, Management and Statistics.

Teaching tools

Several seminars, also held in english will complete the teaching module.

Office hours

See the website of Alessia Mariotti