82997 - Architectural Composition/Museography

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 0881)

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to educate the professional: in comparison with the problems of the old / new relationship; to the drafting of a responsible architectural design, constituting an inevitable modification of the existing one, though aimed at the preservation and valorisation of the material data, the factory and the context in which it is inserted.

Course contents

Within the Bachelor's Laboratory, projects will be developed that relate to two interrelated reference scales: landscape and architecture.

The reference area is the Emilia Romagna territory within which specific locations will be assumed to be characterized by a complex temporal stratigraphy.

Students will provide the basic materials needed to cover the theme with the awareness that the analysis is guided by the project and vice versa in a profitable exchange between the two moments


short list

Gio Ponti, Amate l’architettura. L’architettura è un cristallo, Società Editrice Vitali e Ghianda, Genova, 1957. Riedizione a cura della Società Cooperativa Universitaria Studio e Lavoro arl, Milano 2004

Ernesto Nathan Rogers, Gli elementi del fenomeno architettonico, Guida Editori, Napoli 1981

Georges Perec, Specie di Spazi, Bollati Boringhieri editori, Torino, 1989

Saverio Muratori, Da Schinkel ad Asplund. Lezioni di architettura moderna, Alinea Editrice, Firenze 1990

Rafael Moneo, La solitudine degli edifici e altri scritti, Umberto Allemandi &C., Torino 1999.

K. Frempton, Tettonica e architettura. Poetica della forma architettonica nel XIX e XX secolo, Cambridge (Mass.) Mit Press., 1995. Trad. it. Milano, Skira, 1999.

Giorgio Grassi: “Architettura , lingua morta” Quaderni di Lotus, Electa, Milano 1988

AA.VV., Interpretazioni del passato, Lotus International n. 46, Electa, Milano 1985

Teaching methods

The workshop is organized through lectures, visits to areas and through the normal teaching and classroom seminars.

Assessment methods

The verification of the acquired knowledge consists in the preparation of a project that refers to the landscape scale and the depth of the architectural scale of a building or system of buildings. The elaborates will be drawn up in the manner that will be provided during the Course.

The Laboratory takes place in a single form or preferably in a group of students, verifying the contribution, skills and knowledge acquired by the individuals during the examination.

Each student will have to demonstrate through the analytical study of the sites and the design proposal the maturity of approach to the relationship between ancient and new, between project and pre-existence. It will have to demonstrate good visual skills by effectively clarifying project themes that are developed and developed in line with the other disciplines involved

Teaching tools

For lessons, you will use the standard tools for displaying and illustrating topics through PC image projection.

Also important are the texts and bibliographies that will be provided at the end of the lessons.

A study trip is foreseen to directly know some recently completed case studies.

More tutorials are guided by the teacher to the project area to check the effectiveness of project choices.

During the development of the design exercise, it is important to give direct attention through the use of the design and the model.

Office hours

See the website of Sandro Pittini