- Docente: Ilaria Bartolini
- Crediti formativi: 6
- Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
- Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
- Campus: Bologna
Laurea Magistrale in
Artificial Intelligence (cod. 9063)
Valido anche per Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria informatica (cod. 5826)
Laurea Magistrale in Informatica (cod. 5898)
dal 19/02/2025 al 12/06/2025
Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire
Al termine dell’attività formativa, lo studente possiede le conoscenze ed abilità necessarie a una gestione efficace ed efficiente dei dati multimediali (MM), con particolare riferimento ai problemi di rappresentazione di dati MM, modelli di retrieval di dati MM, e paradigmi di interazione tra l’utente e il sistema MM, agli scopi di presentazione ed esplorazione dei dati. Lo studente comprende l’architettura di sistemi e servizi MM tradizionali e avanzati, di motori di ricerca, reti sociali, e sistemi di raccomandazione.
Basics on Multimedia Data Management
Multimedia data and content representations
- MM data and applications
- MM data coding
- MM data content representation
How to find MM data of interest
- Description models for complex MM objects
- Similarity measures for MM data content
- MM Data Base Management Systems
Efficient algorithms for MM data retrieval
- MM query formulation paradigms
- Sequential retrieval of MM data
- Index-based retrieval of MM data
Automatic techniques for MM data semantic annotations
Browsing MM data collections
MM data presentation
- User interfaces
- Visualization paradigms
- Dimensionality reduction techniques
Result accuracy, use cases and real applications
- Quality of the results and relevance feedback techniques
- Use cases and demos of some applications
Multimedia Data on the Web
Web search engines
Graph-based data: semantic Web and social networks
Web recommender systems
N.B. Per gli studenti di Laurea Magistrale in Artificial intelligence e di Laurea Magistrale in Informatica, la parte di programma "Efficient algorithms for MM data retrieval" non è richiesta.
Education material provided by the teachers (copies of the slides used in the classroom, scientific literature).
Metodi didattici
Course lectures are in "traditional" classrooms and exploit the slides. Several use cases will be presented in order to show how such information technologies can be profitably applied in a number of real applications.
Provided slides are in english. Fluent spoken and written english is a necessary pre-requisite: all lectures and tutorials will be in english.
Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento
Achievements will be assessed by the means of a final exam. This is based on an analytical assessment of the "expected learning outcomes" described above. In order to properly assess such achievement the examination is composed of an oral exam.
The admission of the students to the final examination is constrained to the upload of the complete solution of the "free" exercise into the dedicated OneDrive folder "MDM", following the instructions provided by the teacher (see the slides of the course presentation for more details).
To participate to the lab programming exam, interested students have to register themselves by exploiting the usual UniBO Web application, called AlmaEsami.
Higher grades will be awarded to students who demonstrate an organic understanding of the subject, a high ability for critical application, and a clear and concise presentation of the contents. To obtain a passing grade, students are required to at least demonstrate a knowledge of the key concepts of the subject, some ability for critical application, and a comprehensible use of technical language. A failing grade will be awarded if the student shows knowledge gaps in key-concepts of the subject, inappropriate use of language, and/or logic failures in the analysis of the subject.
Strumenti a supporto della didattica
Classroom lessons will be held using slides, which will be integrated with the use of the blackboard for the development of exercises.
Link ad altre eventuali informazioni
Orario di ricevimento
Consulta il sito web di Ilaria Bartolini
L'insegnamento contribuisce al perseguimento degli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile dell'Agenda 2030 dell'ONU.