85579 - LABORATORY (1) (LM) (G.B)

Anno Accademico 2023/2024

  • Docente: Daniele Ferdani
  • Crediti formativi: 6
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge (cod. 9224)

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

The laboratory is designed to train students on some practical aspects. The activity is designed to allow students to apply specialized techniques in the management of disciplinary contents. The laboratories will deal with the themes related to one or more the areas of learning: computer science; literary, linguistic, historical/cultural and related to the arts in the digital context; transversal: economics, law and communication.


The course will provide students with fundamental knowledge of the Digital Heritage domain and skills to create, manage and exploit 3D models of cultural heritage for documentation, conservation, visualization, and digital exhibition purposes.
The course will follow a hands-on teaching approach and thanks to practical lab learning activities, the students will deepen their theoretical and methodological knowledge of digital cultural heritage. They will acquaint themselves with digitization and digital creation processes and techniques like photogrammetry, laser scanning, and 3D modeling. Further application of 3D modeling in virtual reality application will be discussed through exemplar case studies.
By the end of the course, the student will be expected to develop a critical understanding and awareness of the use of 3D technologies and virtual reality in the cultural heritage context and to be able to evaluate methodological and technical approaches to 3D model creation and their application for conservation and dissemination purposes.


The students are required to study the lecture notes provided by the professor during the laboratory and the following articles and book chapters:

  • Guidi, G., Frischer, B.D. (2020). 3D Digitization of Cultural Heritage. In: Liu, Y., Pears, N., Rosin, P.L., Huber, P. (eds) 3D Imaging, Analysis and Applications. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-44070-1_13
  • Pietroni E, Ferdani D (2021). Virtual Restoration and Virtual Reconstruction in Cultural Heritage: Terminology, Methodologies, Visual Representation Techniques and Cognitive Models. INFORMATION, vol. 12, 167, doi: 10.3390/info12040167
  • Ferdani D, Fanini B, Piccioli M C, Carboni F, Vigliarolo P (2020). 3D reconstruction and validation of historical background for immersive VR applications and games: the case study of the Forum of Augustus in Rome. JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE, vol. 43, p. 129-143, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2019.12.004
  • Pescarin S, Fanini B, Ferdani D, Mifsud K, Hamilton A (2020). Optimising environmental educational narrative videogames: The case of "A night in the forum". ACM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING AND CULTURAL HERITAGE, vol. 13,  doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/3424952
  • Pietroni, E., Menconero, S., Botti, C. and Ghedini, F., 2023. e-Archeo: A Pilot National Project to Valorize Italian Archaeological Parks through Digital and Virtual Reality Technologies. Applied System Innovation, 6(2), p.38.
  • Further readings and materials will be proposed and discussed during the lab activities.

    Metodi didattici

    Classes are held in classrooms equipped with computers connected to the intranet and Internet.
    Theoretical and methodological lectures will always be supplemented by practical step-by-step exercises. The hands-on sessions will allow students to create 3D content with different methods and techniques and to learn professional software. The software, didactic materials, and tutorials will be provided to the students during the course.
    All students are invited to attend the lectures, due to their characteristics and practical nature. Students who could not attend the lectures should contact the professor at the beginning of the course, to receive an indication of additional material for the exam.

    Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

    The students are required to set up a project of 3D modeling (previously agreed upon with the professor) using the methodologies and technologies discussed and practiced during the laboratory.
    The project will be summarized in a maximum of 5 slides and discussed in a maximum of 10 minutes during the oral presentation.
    The students are also expected to discuss the articles and the chapters of the books indicated in the bibliography.

    Strumenti a supporto della didattica

    The following software will be used during the hands-on sessions:

  • 3DFZephyr or Agisoft Metashape
  • Cloud Compare
  • Blender
  • Aton
  • Orario di ricevimento

    Consulta il sito web di Daniele Ferdani