- Docente: Sonia Silvestri
- Crediti formativi: 6
- Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
- Moduli: Sonia Silvestri (Modulo 1) Nicolas Greggio (Modulo 2) Federica Costantini (Modulo 3) Laura Pezzolesi (Modulo 4) Enrico Dinelli (Modulo 5)
- Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza (Modulo 1) Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza (Modulo 2) Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza (Modulo 3) Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza (Modulo 4) Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza (Modulo 5)
- Campus: Ravenna
- Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Analisi e gestione dell'ambiente (cod. 5900)
Orario delle lezioni (Modulo 1)
dal 13/05/2024 al 13/05/2024
Orario delle lezioni (Modulo 2)
dal 14/05/2024 al 14/05/2024
Orario delle lezioni (Modulo 3)
dal 15/05/2024 al 15/05/2024
Orario delle lezioni (Modulo 4)
dal 16/05/2024 al 16/05/2024
Orario delle lezioni (Modulo 5)
dal 17/05/2024 al 17/05/2024
Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire
The fieldwork, performed at the end of the first year, is a truly interdisciplinary experience for students, who will take advantage of a direct interaction with professors from different fields as well as responsibles in charge of coastal management and preservation. The experience will foster (1) an understanding of the main natural and anthropogenic drivers of the evolution of coastal environments, including both biotic and abiotic components; (2) the ability to analyze resource and management problems in coastal areas; (3) a conceptual understanding of preservation and restoration solutions. Attendance is mandatory. Absence from the fieldwork will be granted only in the event of medical or family emergencies, which must be documented and communicated to the organizers. At the end of the experience, readings on topics related to the fieldwork will be assigned and students will be divided into groups. A critique report on the management activities observed during the fieldwork will be required from each group and a final general discussion will be performed in class.
During the field trip, students will interact with professors from different fields as well as stakeholders /administrators in charge for coastal management and preservation. The site selected for the trip is the Venice Lagoon, which is a perfect example of how natural and human-induced changes have affected a coastal system for centuries. A central topic of the field trip will be the impact of relative sea level rise on Venice and its lagoon, and the natural and engineered solutions (as for example the MOSE system, i.e. the system of mobile gates at the three inlets) put in place by the Italian government to prevent extreme floods of the city. Other central topics will focus on invasive species and pollution.
Slides and other readings will be provided.
Metodi didattici
Students will be required to take part in the field trip. Absence from the field trip will be granted only in the event of medical or family emergencies, which must be documented and communicated to the organizers. At the end of the experience, readings on topics related to the field trip will be assigned and students will be divided into groups.
Considering the type of teaching activities and methods, in order to follow this course students should have taken the e-learning Module 1- Safety General Training and Module 2- Sefety Specific Training [https://elearning-sicurezza.unibo.it/]
Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento
During the field trip, students will be divided into groups. After the field trip, a critique report on the management activities observed during the field trip will be required from each group and a final general discussion will be performed in class.
Strumenti a supporto della didattica
Readings of scientific papers; discussions; observations supervised by professors; practical training in the field.
Students who need compensatory tools for reasons related to disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLD) can directly contact the Service for Students with Disabilities (disabilita@unibo.it [mailto:disabilita@unibo.it] ) and the Service for Students with learning disabilities (dsa@unibo.it [mailto:dsa@unibo.it] ) to agree on the adoption of the most appropriate measures.
Orario di ricevimento
Consulta il sito web di Sonia Silvestri
Consulta il sito web di Nicolas Greggio
Consulta il sito web di Federica Costantini
Consulta il sito web di Laura Pezzolesi
Consulta il sito web di Enrico Dinelli
L'insegnamento contribuisce al perseguimento degli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile dell'Agenda 2030 dell'ONU.