Anno Accademico 2023/2024

  • Docente: Gianvito Lanzolla
  • Crediti formativi: 3
  • SSD: SECS-P/08
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Laurea Magistrale in International Management (cod. 5891)

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

"Data and technology are at the core of digital transformation, but these factors alone are not sufficient to make the leap towards staying relevant in the business realm. It's also about people and their capabilities. The Digital Transformation Strategies course takes participants through a formative experience which prepare them to: - identify opportunities to address specific problems within the firm and frame them in a way where a digital solution can be optimal, - explore the challenges associated with digital platforms and learn to develop strategies to deal with them, - harness the power of disruptive digital technologies by improving operations and increasing business value, - manage the organizational transformations, in the form of people and processes, required to enable measurable and significant change."


About the module leader: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/gianvito-lanzolla-baa22a/]

Digitizing the business is not the same thing as becoming digital-ready. The former is about improving the existing operations of the organization through the adoption of digital technologies. By contrast, becoming digital-ready is about redefining the company’s business so as to articulate a new value proposition for the digital age and transforming the company’s business model to deliver this new value proposition. Through this immersive programme you will:

· Develop a systematic understanding of the business and entrepreneurial opportunities and challenges related to the “new normal” enabled by digital technology diffusion;

· Develop a systematic understanding of the strategic and organizational trade-offs to respond to digital transformation;

· Develop a systematic understanding of the key leadership, cultural and organizational hurdles and practices to make the transformation happen;

· Reflect on the personal leadership traits required to lead the digital transformation;

· Sharpen the skills to develop a digital transformation roadmap and lead its execution.

Conceptual and practical understanding will be developed through interactive lectures, cases, several videos, guest speakers, and applied workshops. I have kept your pre-programme preparation to the bare minimum to facilitate you. Most of the learning will happen during the workshops and I look forward to your engaged and lively participation. This course is linked to Digital Innovation in Action which I lead in Silicon Valley, where we will expand on the topics addressed in this course with several other “live” cases.


Envisioning the possibilities of the digital transformation

· Digital technology and its multi-level implications

o The new strategic and operating environment

· A new inflection-point in human history?

The corporate view: Strategizing about responses

· A conceptual framework for strategizing about leading – or responding to – the digital transformation

o Digitalization

o Digital innovation

o Business model innovation

o Strategy change

Entrepreneurship and innovation in the digital age

· What is new, if anything, in the digital age?

New business models

· Platforms

· Personalization

· As a service

Executing digital transformation

o Leadership

o Culture

o Organization

o Mindset and skills

Corporate strategy in the digital age

 Focus on AI: strategic and organizational trade-offs

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento


Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Gianvito Lanzolla