- Docente: Alice Guerra
- Crediti formativi: 8
- SSD: SECS-P/01
- Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
- Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
- Campus: Rimini
- Corso: Laurea in Economia del turismo (cod. 8847)
dal 13/02/2024 al 24/05/2024
Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire
In this course, students are introduced to econometric theory and learn basic econometric tools useful for specific cases and problems related to tourism markets. At the end of the course, the student is able to apply the basic econometric methods to conduct empirical analysis in the field of tourism economics with the use of appropriate econometric software.
The Nature of Econometrics and Economic Data (slides + Chapter 1 Wooldridge)
The simple regression model (slides + Part 1 Wooldridge)
Multiple Regression Analysis (slides + Part 1 Wooldridge)
LPM, Logit, Probit (slides + Chapter 17 Wooldridge)
Panel data (slides + Chapter 13 Wooldridge)
Collection of tourist data and the use of STATA (slides + STATA exercises)
Examples of empirical methods in the field of tourism economics and related STATA exercises
Jeff M. Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics. A Modern Approach, 6th Edition, South-Western, 2018
Studenmund, AH. (2017). Using Econometrics: A Practical Guide, Global Edition. Pearson.
Angrist, J. D. & Pischke, J-S. (2014): Mastering ‘Metrics: The Path from Cause to Effect. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Academic articles available on Virtuale.
Metodi didattici
The course consists of a combination of theory and practical applications using the software STATA, as well as critical discussions of selected empirical research on tourism economics.
Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento
Take-home, individual assignment.
Max. 10 pages (max 10 pages all included, Times New Roman, 12pt font size)
Duration: one week
The exam consists of both theoretical questions and empirical/practical questions whose answers should be computed using the software STATA.
The partial exams have the same format as the general exam. They are optional but highly recommended.
Students must pass both partial exams in order to pass the exam. If students do not sit for one of the partial exams they must take the general exam.
Students can register for the 2nd partial exam only if they have passed the 1st partial exam.
A positive final mark can be refused. Refusal of the grade has to be communicated via email within one day from the grade communication.
Students must enroll in Almaesami.
The take-home assignment will be available on EOL (Esami Online – Online Exams)
Students will have to upload on EOL two separate files by the indicated deadline: (1) the Word/PDF file (max 10 pages all included, Times New Roman, 12pt font size); (2) the Stata do-file.
Written products received after the deadline will not be graded.
The maximum possible score is 30 cum laude (e lode), in case all anwers are correct, complete and formally rigorous.
The grade is graduated as follows:
<18 failed
18-23 sufficient
24-27 good
28-30 very good
30 e lode excellent
Strumenti a supporto della didattica
Virtuale platform, with lectures' slides and suggested readings.
Software STATA, bibliographic sources, and databases available on Virtuale and at the Campus Computer Lab.
Orario di ricevimento
Consulta il sito web di Alice Guerra