Anno Accademico 2023/2024

  • Docente: Gabriele Rizzoli
  • Crediti formativi: 6
  • SSD: ING-IND/32
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Electric Vehicle Engineering (cod. 5699)

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

Students learn the methodology and the use of design tools for developing and testing the main power electronic converters used in the automotive sector. Students learn the modelling techniques for FEM electromagnetic analysis of high frequency magnetic components and for modelling of mixed signal circuits. Students receive a complete technology review for power circuitry, passive components, active devices, cooling technologies, mixed signal circuits, sensors, control devices and control circuits. Students focus on the principle of operation and design of automotive related power converter topologies: PFC and Phase Shift Full Bridge for the On Board Charger (OBC), dual-level and multilevel three-phase inverter for the traction drive, flyback and LLC circuit for the on board auxiliary converters.


General introduction on power components and converters for high efficiency electrical energy conversion. Characterization and modeling of losses of power electronic devices. Thermal management. Main differences and applications of power electronic devices available on the market. Gate driver circuits. Technology review of passive component (capacitors and magnetics). PCB manufacturing, automated assembly and soldering of converters.

AC/DC conversion

Most common single phase and three phase Power Factor Corrector topologies, operating principle, loss calculation, DC-link design, input filter design, sensors, and control algorithms. Design validation through analytical and numerical approach.

DC/DC conversion

Most common non isolated and isolated topologies (Flyback, Push-Pull, Forward, Phase-Shifted Full Bridge, Resonant), operating principle, loss calculation, design of magnetics, sensors, and control algorithms. Design validation through analytical and numerical approach.

DC/AC conversion

Analysis of a complete three-phase traction inverter. Multiphase converters.

Laboratory experiences

The dynamic behavior of converters will be simulated by means of numerical software (LTSpice, Matlab/Simulink and PLECS). Measurements on real converters will be carried out during laboratory experiences.

A CAD software dedicated to electronic design will be used to draw the circuit diagrams and to design multilayer Printed Circuit Board (PCB) keeping into account electrical and physical constraints. A simple converter will be designed, fabricated, and tested.


The in-depth study of some converters can be consulted in the following reference books:

  • Switching Power Supply Design - Abraham I. Pressman
  • Fundamentals of Power Electronics - Robert W. Erickson

Metodi didattici

Theoretical lectures are carried out with the aid of multimedia systems. The teaching material is available before each lesson.

Numerical software (LTSpice, Matlab / Simulink and PLECS) and PCB design software will be used for the laboratory experiences.


Strumenti a supporto della didattica

Numerical software (LTSpice, Matlab / Simulink and PLECS) and PCB design software will be used for the laboratory experiences.

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Gabriele Rizzoli


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