- Docente: Simona Caraceni
- Crediti formativi: 6
- SSD: L-ART/04
- Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
- Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge (cod. 9224)
dal 29/01/2024 al 18/04/2024
Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire
At the end of the course students will acknowledge that when an asset is musealized, it needs special processes: It has to be recognized, it has to be cured, and it needs special care before and after its entrance in the Museum. Students will acquire understanding of museography and museology as theory and practice of the care and interpretation of heritage. Students will be acquainted with the computational processes involved in the discipline, with a focus on virtual museum, and digital curation.
- Museology, definition of museum and differences between Museums, Libraries, Archies and Galleries
- the essence of curation, and of digital curation
- definition of virtual museum
- taxonomy of different kinds of virtual museums
- museum communication: theory and practice
- museography, and theory of exhibition (virtual and real)
- focus on international use case and museum practice
- long time preservation in museum field
- history of multimedia
- virtual environments
To have a clear idea on what is this course about, the potential students are endorsed to browse those websites:
1) www.icom.museum/
2) www.museumnext.com/
3) https://www.museweb.net/
before the beginning of the course
- Key concept of museology, by ICOM,
- ICOM code of ethics https://cimam.org/resources-publications/icom-code-ethics/
- Running a museum, a practical guide by ICTOP https://www.obs-traffic.museum/sites/default/files/ressources/files/UNESCO_Running_Museum.pdf or https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000141067
- Management of Cultural Heritage, by ICCROM, https://www.iccrom.org/it/publication/managing-cultural-world-heritage (download ENGLISH version)
- European frame of reference for Museum Professionals https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/6377214/museum-professions-a-european-frame-of-reference-the-
- First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis, by ICCROM https://www.iccrom.org/publication/first-aid-cultural-heritage-times-crisis
- Resources on Virtuale platform, presented during lessons
other resources will be shared in the Virtuale repository with the class, and with students that will not attend the class.
Metodi didattici
The course is composed of classroom lessons, exercises in the laboratory, and the designing of a personal or team project.
There will be focus, exercises, discussion forum and assessments on Virtuale platform, that students will follow during all the course duration and after, for non-attending students.
There will be the laboratory part based on practical exercises on the metaverse Occupy White Walls https://www.oww.io/
and the classroom lessons will be integrated by guidet tours in museums, at Cineca, as well as interviews with prominent professionals
Non attending students are stricly recommended to keep in contact with the professor, to have access to Virtuale platform, that is important in exam preparation.
Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento
This module "Museology, Museography and Virtual Environments" is linked with the Sofia Pescarin module "Interaction media design", to forme a 12 credits exam called "Digital heritage and multimedia", so the exam is common with this course for DHDK students.
For non attending students, or for GLOC students, for Erasmus and Overseas students the exam will be only on the topic of this module, and questions will not be linked to the module of interaction design.
The final examination consists on three parts:
- a written test, assessing the teory understanding;
- the production and discussion of an original project work, about a virtual museum or virtual exhibition that the student will create during the course, and decide during lessons eith the professor.
The original project work can be presented by a single student or a group of students. The personal contribution of each member of a group has to be assessed during the oral colloquium, when the project will be presented.
It will be mandatory to discuss the topic of the final exam with the professor before starting the work. For non attending students, all the meetings will be arranged by emails.
The topics of the final project work will be:
- for DHDK students a museum of the City of Bologna, or of the University of Bologna Museum Network SMA,
- for GLOC students, an asset that is in a situation of disputation between nation. AN example for all are the Marbles of Partenone, that are actually in UK but belongs to Greece. https://en.unesco.org/fighttrafficking/icprcp
- For non attending, Erasmus, Overseas Students or other kind of students the topic have to be arranged in advance via mail or discussion during lessons.
The course is composed of classroom lessons, exercises in the laboratory, and the designing of a personal or team project.
There will be focus, exercises, discussion forum and assessments on Virtuale platform, that students will follow during all the course duration and after, for non-attending students.
During lessons there will be practival exercises on the metaverse Occupy WHite Walls https://www.oww.io/ that will be evaluated during lessons, but will not be considered in the final mark calculation.
and the classroom lessons will be integrated by guidet tours in museums, at Cineca, as well as interviews with prominent professionals
Non attending students are stricly recommended to keep in contact with the professor, to have access to Virtuale platform, that is important in exam preparation.
All students are endorsed to see an exam session before trying the exam. It is possible to write an email in advance to be invited in Teams, for online exams, and/or come at the exam classroom and take a look.
“Digital heritage and multimedia” Exam is made of three parts:
T1) “module 1” written test, aimed at verifying the acquisition of main concepts. Passing the test is mandatory to be able to enroll for final exam. The mark represents 25% of the final score (FS). In case of GLOC/ERASMUS students attending ONLY module 1 (Museology, Museography and Virtual Environments) the mark will represent 40% of the overall score.
T2) “module 2” written test, aimed at verifying the acquisition of main concepts, among those listed here. Passing the test is mandatory to be able to enroll for the final exam. The mark represents 25% of the overall score.
O3) “digital heritage and multimedia” project work oral presentation (dates will be published in almaesami starting from June 2022 or agreed with the teachers). The mark represents 50% of the overall score. In case of GLOC/ERASMUS students attending ONLY module 1 (Museology, Museography and Virtual Environments) the mark will represent 60% of the overall score.
The Final Score will be the sum of the weighted scores in the written and oral exams [FS= [(T1*0,25)+(T2*0,25)+(O3*0,5)]
Those who will not pass T1 and/or T2 (including students not attending the lectures) will have the chance to retry them one week before the oral discussion.
The final evaluation of the student is based on the scores gained for each of the aforementioned points. In particular:
- excellent evaluation: reaching an in-depth view of all the course topics by discussing the project work with a strong awareness and developing a project following all the principles and guidelines provided to the student during the lectures;
- sufficient evaluation: reaching a partial view of the course topics shown with the discussion of the project work and providing a minor contribution to the development of the project;
- insufficient evaluation: either not reaching even partial view on the course topics and presenting a resource largely discussed during the course or not providing any contribution to the project.
Strumenti a supporto della didattica
Classes are held in a classroom equipped with personal computers connected to the Intranet and Internet.
There is a repository of useful resources for all the students (attending and non-attending classes) inside Virtuale platform.
Orario di ricevimento
Consulta il sito web di Simona Caraceni