Anno Accademico 2023/2024

  • Docente: Caterina Drigo
  • Crediti formativi: 6
  • SSD: IUS/08
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Legal Studies (cod. 9062)

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

Al termine del corso lo studente - conosce in modo approfondito i diversi meccanismi di tutela dei diritti umani operanti a livello internazionale e sovranazionale, l’interazione fra essi e l’impatto che essi producono sulla rilevante disciplina di origine nazionale; - è in grado di valutare, anche mediante il ricorso a strumenti analitici di comparazione, l’interazione tra diversi sistemi di tutela dei diritti fondamentali operanti a livello nazionale, tenendo conto del contesto socio-culturale che essi esprimono; - sa orientarsi nella “giurisprudenza” degli organismi di monitoraggio degli strumenti internazionali e sovranazionali di tutela dei diritti umani e conosce – e sa valutare – l’operato delle organizzazioni non governative in subiecta materia.


This course explores major features of human rights' protection and there will be a close examination of selected decisions of international and supranational Courts.


The students that will NOT attend the lessons shall prepare 

J. GERARDS, Fundamental rights, 2023, Cambridge Univ. Press. limited to pages. 1-30; 53-231; 309-423; 422-464; 487-546

OR as alternative

R.K.M. Smith, International Human Rights Law. last ed. Oxford.

The students that WILL ATTEND the lessons shall know the topic analyzed in class and articles and essays that are indicated and available from the web page of the course on virtuale.unibo.it


Moreover, all students are advised to study the program reading also the following text: R. Smith Core Documents on European & International Human Rights 2022-23, Hart, 2022, 8th ed.

Metodi didattici

The course will be held both in the form of the traditional oral lecture, and involving students in active participation, especially discussing some leading cases on specific important topics.

During the lesson there will be power-point presentations and the students will be given summaries and case law material.

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

Lectures will be held in the fall term 2023/2024 therefore students may take the exam starting from January 2024

The exam will be held orally. The teacher will ask to each student 3 topics.

The purpose of the oral exam is to verify the student's ability to apply his or her knowledge and to make the necessary logical-deductive connections.

The final grade will be determined taking into account the following elements:

- Preparation on a very limited number of topics covered in the course and analytical skills that emerge only with the help of the teacher, expressed in an overall correct language → 18-19;

- Preparation on a limited number of topics covered in the course and ability to autonomous analysis only on purely executive matters, expression in correct language → 20-24;

- Preparation on a large number of topics covered in the course, ability to make autonomous choices of critical analysis, mastery of specific terminology → 25-29;

- Substantially exhaustive preparation on the topics addressed in the course, ability to make autonomous choices of critical analysis and connection, full mastery of specific terminology and ability to argue and self-reflection → 30-30L.

For attending students, the final grade will take into account also active participation in the classroom and presentation of group work, as indicated on the first day of class.

Strumenti a supporto della didattica

All students will be provided with power point presentations and case law material analyzed during the lessons.

Students with a form of disability or specific learning disabilities (DSA) who are requesting academic adjustments or compensatory tools are invited to communicate their needs to the teaching staff in order to properly address them and agree on the appropriate measures with the competent bodies.

Office Hours: the students of the course will have to make an appointment writing an e-mail to caterina.drigo@unibo.it.

They will be received on line, Tuesday from 9.00 to 11.00 a.m. via MS_TEAMS

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Caterina Drigo


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