- Docente: Giorgio Milazzo
- Crediti formativi: 6
- SSD: BIO/18
- Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
- Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Laurea in Genomics (cod. 9211)
dal 04/03/2024 al 29/05/2024
Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire
Al termine del corso, lo studente ha familiarizzato con i meccanismi alla base dei fenomeni epigenetici coinvolti nella regolazione genica e nella organizzazione spaziale dei genomi. In particolare, lo studente comprende l'utilizzo dei saggi molecolari che generano dati massivi riguardo al set completo delle modificazioni e delle molecole epigenetiche e del loro impatto sull'espressione genica, stabilità genomica, differenziamento cellulare e oncogenesi.
Lecture 1: Historical notes about the birth of Epigenetics as a new scientific discipline. Basic concepts and analysis of phenomena that apparently do not follow mendelian laws.
Lecture 2: Epigenome: Expressivity of the genome independent from DNA sequence. Analysing genetic inheritance beyond DNA sequence.
Lecture 3: Defining multiple transcriptomes from the same informational DNA sequence. Understanding how transcription works: Basal transcription:
Lecture 4: Defining multiple transcriptomes from the same informational DNA sequence. Understanding how transcription works:Regulated transcription:
Lecture 5: Genome wide analyses of the transcriptome from sequence of bulk biological material
Lecture 6:Genome wide analyses of the transcriptome from single cell sequencing
Lecture 7: Defining multiple transcriptomes from the same informational DNA sequence. Understanding how transcription works: Histones and transcription.
Lecture 8: Histones as targets of DNA re-modeling complexes.
Lecture 9: Histones as targets of multiple post-translational modifications.
Lecture 10: Modifiers, Readers and Erasers of epigenetic marks.
Lecture 11: Genome wide analyses of chromatin architecture: ChIP and ChIP-seq
Lecture 12:Genome wide analyses of chromatin architecture: 3C, 5C, iC.
Lecture 13: The DNA methylation problem. CpGs or not CpGs. CpG islands.
Lecture 14: De novo or maintenance of DNA methylation. DNMTs and their function during development.
Lecture 15: Analyses of the DNA methylation status: use of methylation sensitive REs; MS-PCR bisulfite sequencing, COBRA.
Lecture 16: Genome wide DNA methylation: Methyl-DIP; definition of the methylome by NGS.
Lecture 17: Histone modifications meet DNA methylation
Lecture 18: Molecular epigenetic memory.
Lecture 19: Case study 1: What is known/posing questions
Lecture 20: Case study 1: Brain storming/ problem solving
Lecture 21: Case study 2: What is known/posing questions
Lecture 22: Case study 2: Brain storming/ problem solving
Lecture 21: Case study 3: What is known/posing questions
Lecture 22: Case study 3: Brain storming/ problem solving
EPIGENETICS II edition CSHL edited by D. Allis
ISBN 978-1-936113-59-0
papers from scientific literatureMetodi didattici
Lectures, group discussion, brain storming, flipped classroom
Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento
Brief written dissertation or ppt presentation describing analyses and possible solutions of relatively simple still unsolved questions that came out during brain storming.
Strumenti a supporto della didattica
white board, video-projection, origami class, pc.
Orario di ricevimento
Consulta il sito web di Giorgio Milazzo