- Docente: Flavio Delbono
- Crediti formativi: 6
- SSD: SECS-P/01
- Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
- Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Laurea in Economics and Finance (cod. 8835)
dal 12/02/2024 al 15/05/2024
Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire
The aim of this course is to provide students with a general and base knowledge of modern industrial organization based on strategic interaction among firms and consumers. Students will learn the functioning of the markets by analyzing the behavior of non-competitive firms, also with the tools of modern game theory. Industrial policies and regulation will be discussed together with the principles of competition policy.
Part 1: Presentation of the course and microeconomics background.
Part 2: Game theory and oligopoly.
Part 3: Market structure
Part 4: Non-price strategies
Part 5: Competition policy and regulation.
L. Pepall, D. Richards, G. Norman, Industrial Organization, 4th or 5th ed., Blackwell, 2008.
Except: 4.5 (means section 5 of chapter 4); 7.5.2; 7.6; ch. 8; 10.3; 10.5; 11.1; 11.2; 12.2.2; 13.2; 13.3.1; 13.5; 14.3; 14.4; 15.3; 15.5; 15.6; 16.3; 16.4; 16.6; Appendices to ch. 16; 17.3; 17.6; 18.4; 18.5; 19.6; 21.2; 21.3; 21.6; 22.5; 22.6; 23.3; 23.7; ch. 24; 25.3; 25.4.
Metodi didattici
Standard front teaching. Students with disability or specific learning disabilities (DSA) are required to make their condition known to find the best possibile accomodation to their needs.
Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento
There are no partial exams.
The exam is written in presence. It will usually last 75 minutes and it will be made of exercises (worth about 3/4 of the grade) and questions (about 1/4 of the grade).
The grade is scaled as follows:
<18 failed
18-23 sufficient
24-27 good
28-30 very good
30 e lode excellent
Students can reject the final grade once. To this end, he/she must email a request to the instructor within the date set for registration. The instructor will confirm reception of the request by email within the same date.
Strumenti a supporto della didattica
Textbook, slides and exercises.
Orario di ricevimento
Consulta il sito web di Flavio Delbono