- Docente: Bruno Marano
- Crediti formativi: 6
- SSD: FIS/05
- Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
- Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Astrophysics and Cosmology (cod. 5828)
Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire
The aim of the course is to provide a coherent and state-of-the-art account of instruments and techniques in use in astronomy and astrophysics. In a multiband approach, the course deals with structure of the instrumentation and criteria to evaluate and optimize their performances. It foresees a number of “external” contributions from specialists in specific areas. The course foresees as well visits to, and interactions with external laboratories. Thus, after getting common foundations, the students will be exposed to the most modern advances, in an area in continuous and fast evolution. On a side, students with specific interest in instrumentation will reach an effective starting point to be involved in instrumental projects, in scientific institutes or industries. On another side, students more interested in astrophysical results will reach a fair understanding of the observing processes which are the ground of the following developments. As a further, not minor aim, the course would contribute to reduce the present trend to enlarge the gap between “instrumentation” and “astrophysics”.
The course foresee an initial general introduction, strictly connected with the contemporary Multiwavelenght Astrophysics Laboratory. After that researchers active in specific activities will present techniques, results, and perspectives in "blocks" of 6-8 h and seminars.
1 - General introduction -8h (2 weeks)
- EM radiation – Atmospheric transmission
- Detection of EM radiation (Opt-IR-HE)
- Ground Based Telescopes (Opt.-IR)
- Space telescopes (Opt. IR HE)
2 - Specific techniques 30-38h
- 6h -OAS - Adaptive optics (Rodeghiero) (2h+4h)
- 6-8h – OAS - mm wave detection, ALMA, cryogeny (Villa et al.)
- 6-8h – OAS -HE payload construction (Amati et al.)
- 6-8h – IRA Radio wave detection (Lofar, SKA, SRT, Transients …tbd)( Naldi, Monari et al.)
- 6-8h - CTA telescopes and detectors (Zanin et al)
3 -Seminars 4h
1) 2h Managing an instrumental project - Amati
2) 2h - ESO VLT and EELT instrumentation - Origlia
1 to 3 foresee a visit to the specific labs at INAF local premises
4 foresee an instruction trip to Medicina
Possible, but tbd, an instruction trip to Merate (CTA).
Order in point B to be defined.
VERY IMPORTANT - The course can be introductory to a 3 credit INTERNSHIP and to a 15 credit Thesis work, to be agreed with the laboratory of interest .
a) A good reference book (although not "the" textbook) is: Chromey, To Measure the Sky,Cambridge University Press
b) Refer to the wide offer presented in the course ofMultiwavelength Astrophysics Techniques.
b) each "block" will provide specific powerpoint, papers, notes.
Metodi didattici
Conventional lectures and seminars.
Visit to the laboratories
Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento
70% - Presentation and discussion of a short (5-8 pages) written report on one of the exposed techniques and the relevant visited laboratory.
30% - Discussion on additional questions on the general content of the course
Strumenti a supporto della didattica
Conventional lectures with power point presentation
Visit to laboratories (potentially preparatory to internships)
Orario di ricevimento
Consulta il sito web di Bruno Marano