Anno Accademico 2022/2023

  • Docente: Luca Zan
  • Crediti formativi: 6
  • SSD: L-ART/04
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Innovation and Organization of Culture and the Arts (cod. 0902)

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

Student is expected to develop knowledge and skills in historical research. Drawing on cases and debates in arts and heritage, the course is focused on methodological issues affecting management discourse in historical terms. Managing (or organizing) is looked at as an element affecting ways in which arts & heritage are dealt with; and as sources itself of current days heritage.


The course will investigate the complex relationship between heritage, history, and the issue of managing (or organizing). Drawing on cases and debates in arts and heritage, the course will focus on methodological issues affecting management discourse in historical terms. It is not focused on heritage history, nor on management history per se. Rather, aadministration (or the issue of managing/organizing) will be looked at as an element affecting ways in which arts & heritage are dealt with; and as sources itself of current days heritage.

While getting substantive insights about important debates and controversies, the student will learn to deal with complex interdisciplinary research programs. The workshop is structured in 15 classes, each focused on a particularly intriguing example of a complex relationship between the three elements (heritage, history, and managing). Through international video conferences, experts on particular topics will be involved in most of the classes. The course presents a strong interdisciplinary character as well as a focus on international/global context.

The course will intensively use images, videos, documentaries, on the assumption that new forms of communication in this field are already available, making it possible to integrate efforts done by others in documentary production.

There is no effort in providing a systematic historical picture, but more simply a set of challenging chapters in the relationship between history, arts and management, keeping in mind specific researches I am familiar with. The precise list of topics will be identified later, depending on the availability of experts on various topics. A tentative list of the sessions, and the rational for using them, are provided here. From year to year, individual “chapters” could be alternated if necessary.


2017-18 List of sessions (in progress)

  1. Introduction

    Course goals and contents, logistics and organizational issues

    The issue of history & historicity in mgnt studies

  2. De-frosting the archaeological chain: Oetzi, the man in the ice

    Media: BBC, A life in the ice

    Issues: 1. The organizing of economic activity in “primitive” societies

    2. Managing a complex interdisciplinary research projects

    3. Competing epistemologies at work

  3. Civilization in China: controversies between archaeologists and historians

    Media: CCTV, Yin Xu (Anyang, Henan)

    Guest: Haiming Yan, CACH

    Issues: 1. Archaeologist, material culture and sense making

    2. From archaeological finds to history

    3. Competing worlds: China archaeology and historians

  4. Accounting, order, and performativity: insights from ancient Egypt

    Media: -

    Guest: Mahmoud Ezzamel, Cardiff University and IE Business School;
    Ben Haring, Egyptologist, Leiden University

    Issues: 1. Ancient Egyptian inscriptions, images and artifacts

    2. Ancient Egyptian religion, cosmology and accounting

    3. How accounting technologies and inscriptions ordered the ancient Egyptian world

  5. Managing Urban Monuments in the Roman Empire: Architecture, Economics, and Heritage

    Guest: Dan Shoup, University of Bologna

    Issues:1. How do we study the ancient Roman economy?

    2. Urban monuments: patronage and politics, building and re-building (2000 years later)

    3. Sagalassos: Managing ancient monuments today

  6. Il Discorso del maneggio: management & accounting practices at the Venice Arsenal, 1600.

    Media: on site visit

    Issues: 1. Managing the Venice Arsenal in the turn of the 16th century

    2. Proto industrial history and management: difficulties and implications

    3. A research agenda

  7. Managing history: the Venice Arsenal as industrial archaeological heritage

    Media: on site visit

    Guest: Arc. Storelli (TBC)

    Issues: 1. Shifting meanings: from “administrative heritage” to heritage

    2. Re-using the Arsenal as (proto)industrial archaeological asset: A master plan for the recovery project

    3. Institutional conflicts and shortcomings

  8. CarlosIII, Pompeii & Herculaneum in the history of the organization of Archaeology

    Media: Pictures Pompeii & Herculaneum

    Guest: Arch. Paolo Pesaresi, HCP

    Issues: 1. Carlos III, innovation at RTF, 1773; & Carlo di Borbone, the early stages of Pompeii excavation

    2. Herculaneum excavation (1927-1960 ca.) and the history of archaeology

    3. Herculaneum tomorrow: the experience of HCP

  9. The Anatomy of the British Industrial Revolution

    Media: BBC (Jeremy Black), Why the Industrial Revolution happened here?

    Guest: Alessandro Nuvolari, Sant’ Anna School of Advanced Studies

    Issues: 1. The industrial revolution and the origins of modern economic growth

    2. The causes of the industrial revolution

    3. The economic history of the industrial revolution: the dynamics of technological, economic and social change

  10. Economic development and architecture: Chicago the city of the century

    Media: PBS, Chicago city of the century

    Guest: Yue Zhang (UIC, Chicago)

    Issues: 1. A total history approach from initial settlement to 1900

    2. A conversation on Chicago in the history of architecture

    3. A tribute to Richard Nickel, and the movement for protection of historical buildings

  11. Consumption (and marketing) in historical perspective: The 1900 house

    Media: PBS, 1900 House

    Guest: -

    Issues: 1. Historicity of consumption culture

    2. The long term evolution of consumption in the West

    3. ADV and the arts: a crucial tie

  12. Business and the Arts: the role of International Expo

    Media: Pictures and clips from Internet

    Guest: Prof. Carlo Olmi, Torino
    Jadranka Bentini, former Soprintendente in Bologna TBC

    Issues: 1. World Fairs & economic history as a complex object of study

    2. The historical relationship between World Fairs and the history of architecture

    3. World fairs and the Arts

  13. From genocide to repatriation:The Native American debate

    Media: Documentary by Cineteca

    Guest: Prof. Christina Kreps, Denver University

    Issues: 1. To not forget: a recent genocide

    2. Reconciliation: native American and museology in the US

    3. Repatriation, identity and museums

  14. India: Heritage and its multiple dimensions

    Media: in progress

    Guest: Prof. Rohit Jigyasu, UNESCO Chair professor at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto;
    Somi Chatterjee, Consultant with Archaeological Survey of India

    Issues: 1. Intangible urban heritage

    2. Art conservation

    3. Conservation practices in India

  15. Management & History

Media: -

Guest: Prof. Robin Wensley, Warwick University

Issues: 1. The conflict between professional relevance & theoretical elegance, which resonates with analogous issues in the field of arts management

2. The Carnegie & Ford reports and their impacts, which remind us that in many ways the Americanization of many forms of cultural development has also been over the last century or so strongly evident in management too

3. The degree to which historical knowledge is built up on the basis of a number of context rich situations and whilst this is potentially true of management knowledge as well, such an overall approach sits uneasily with attempts to generalise and remove the essential role of context


In progress
A precise list of readings (to be done before/after class) will be made available on Moodle before the course starts

Readings class 1:

  • Polanyi, “Two meanings of economic”, in The Livelihood of Man, ch. 2, Studies in social discontinuity (Academic Pr, 1977)
  • Bisoux T., A return to reality, Bized, May/June 2009
  • Jones G, Zeitlin J., Introduction, The Oxford Handbook of Business History, Oxford University Press, 2007
  • O’Sullivan Maryand Margaret B. W. Graham, Moving Forward by Looking Backward: Business History and Management Studies, Guest Editors’ Introduction, Journal of Management Studies 47:5 July 2010
  • Booth Charles, Michael Rowlinson, Management and organizational history: Prospects, Management & Organizational History, 2006, Vol 1(1): 5–30

    Readings class 2:

  • BBC transcript of “A life in the ice”, 1996
  • Zan L., “Writing management and accounting history. Insights from unorthodox music historiography”, Accounting Historians Journal, Volume 31, Number 2, December 2004, p. 171-192.
  • Zeitlin Jonathan, The Historical Alternatives Approach, Chapter 6 of Jones & Zeitlin, The Oxford Handbook of Business History

    Readings class 3:

  • Unesco, Yin Xu Advisory Board Evaluation, http://whc.unesco.org/archive/advisory_body_evaluation/1114.pdf
  • Wang Tao,“Public Archaeology” in China: A Preliminary Investigation, in K. Okamura & A. Matsuda (eds.), New Perspectives in Global Public Archaeology, Springer Science, 2011.
  • Lothar von Falkenhausen, “On the historiographical orientation of Chinese archaeology”, Antiquity, Volume: 67 Number: 257, 1993, pp: 839–849
  • Cipolla M., “The source”, and “Source criticism”, chapts. 3 & 4, Between Two Cultures: An Introduction to Economic History, W. W. Norton Company, 1992.

    Readings class 4:

  • M. Ezzamel, Chapter 14, Accounting and Order, Routledge, New York, 2012.
  • Barry J. Kemp, Ancient Egypt: Anatomy of a Civilization, London: Routledge, Second edition, 2006, chapter 4, pp. 163-192.
  • Readings class 5:

  • DeLaine, Janet. "Building the Eternal City: the construction industry of imperial Rome," in Jon Coulston and Hazel Dodge, eds. Ancient Rome, the archaeology of the Eternal City. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 129-141.
  • Ruef, MArtin and Alona Harness. 2008. Agrarian origins of management ideology: the Roman and antebellum cases. Organization Studies, 2009 vol. 30 no. 6 589-607
  • Readings class 6:

  • Zan L., “Accounting and management discourse in protoindustrial settings: theVenice Arsenal in the turn of the XVI Century”, Accounting and Business Research, vol. 32, No 2, 2004, p. 145-175
  • Abu-Lughod, Studying a system in formation, p. 3-40, in Before European Hegemony. The World System A.D. 1250-1350, 1989, Oxford University Press,New York Oxford

    Readings class 7:

  • Documents on the development project of the Arsenale

    Readings class 8:

  • Carmona, S., Ezzamel, M. and Gutierrez, F. (1997). 'The Spanish Royal Tobacco Factory'. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 22 (5): 411-446.
  • D’Alconzo P., “Le ambivalenti motivazioni della prima legislazione di tutela sotto Carlo di Borbone”, in D’Alconzo P., L’anello del Re, Edifir, Firenze, 1999. Or, alternatively Fittipaldi A., “Museums, safeguarding and artistic heritage in Naples in the eighteenth century: some reflections”, Journal of the History of Collections, 19 (2007), 2, pp.199-202

    Readings class 9:

  • Hartwell, R.M. (1965), ‘The causes of the industrial revolution: an essay in methodology’, Economic History Review, vol. 18, pp. 164-182. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2591880
  • Allen, R. C. (2011), ‘Why the industrial revolution was British: commerce, induced innovation and the scientific revolution’, Economic History Review, vol. 64, pp. 357-384 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468-0289.2010.00532.x/pdf.

    Readings class 10:

    • PBS script of “Chicago, the city f the century”
    • “They all fall down” screen play, Lookingglass Theater Company

      Readings class 11:

    • Trentmann, F., 2004, “Beyond Consumerism: New Historical Perspectives on Consumption”, Journal of Contemporary History Copyright, Vol 39(3), 373–401
    • Schwarzkopf Stefan, What was Advertising? The Invention, Rise, Demise and Disappearance of Advertising Concepts in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-century Europe and America, Business History Conference/European Business History Association Meeting

      Readings class 12:

    • Anatomy of an Exhibition: Art Nouveau, 1890-1915
    • Preview of the lecture given last year by Prof. Jeffrey Johnson, Columbia University TBC

      Readings class 13:

    • Karen Coody Cooper, Spirited Encounters. American Indians Protest Museum Policies and Practices, Altamira Press, 2008.
    • Richard W. Hill, The Museum Indian: Still Frozen in Time and Mind, Museum News, May/June, 2000

      Readings class 14:

    • Jigyasu R., Intangible dimension of urban heritage
    • Chatterjee S., Heritage at home: case of India

      Readings class 15:

    • Wensley Robin, Getting Too Close to the Fire: The Challenge of Engaging Stories and Saving Lives, British Journal of Management, Vol. 22, 370–381 (2011)
    • Tienari J., Laurilla J.,Editorial Special topic forum on ‘‘Management education: Research and practice’’, Scand. J. Mgmt. 23 (2007) 1–3.
    • Caswill Chris and Robin Wensley “Doors and Boundaries: A recent history of the relationship between research and practice in UK organisational and management research”, Business History, Vol. 49, No. 3, May 2007, 293–320

Metodi didattici

The course uses a seminar methodology. Students are asked to prepare discussions before classes, and to read articles and chapters before and after classes, according to the scheduling provided.

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

The grade will be based on the contribution to the class discussion (40%), and on the quality of a final report that the student will be asked to submit after the end of the course.

Strumenti a supporto della didattica

The course will make intensive use of documentaries and visual materials, partly provided by the teacher, partly to be found by students

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Luca Zan