Anno Accademico 2021/2022

  • Docente: Rosa Mulè
  • Crediti formativi: 8
  • SSD: SPS/04
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
  • Moduli: Rosa Mulè (Modulo Lez.) Rosa Mulè (Modulo Sem 1) Rosa Mulè (Modulo Sem 2) (Modulo D.Ass)
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza (Modulo Lez.) Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza (Modulo Sem 1) Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza (Modulo Sem 2) Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza (Modulo D.Ass)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Laurea in Economia, mercati e istituzioni (cod. 8038)

    Valido anche per Laurea in Scienze politiche, sociali e internazionali (cod. 8853)


Course design and objectives

The course is designed to explore the frontiers of interaction between politics and economics by engaging comparative research on varieties of political economies. It focuses on approaches that conceptualise different models of capitalism and investigates the role of political actors, institutions and interest groups in shaping and transforming these models.

The course is structured around two key questions: To what extent do differences in institutional settings shape fundamentally different models of democratic capitalism? What is the role of institutions, firms and labour unions in determining the different arrangements we find in capitalist countries?

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course students will be able to:

  • Analyse and compare national political economies
  • Empirically evaluate political-economic outcomes
  • Understand the institutional foundations of comparative advantage

Course procedure

The course is organized in lectures and seminars, as detailed in the following program. Lectures (30 hours) aim to introduce students to the core tenets of the discipline. Seminars aim to provide occasions for in-depth discussions of class materials and exercises. The division into lessons and seminars is specified in the program that follows. For the seminar section, students will be divided into groups according to their preferences and according to rules concerning the current pandemic emergency: one will do the seminar A in classroom (15 hours) and one group will do the seminar B online (15 hours). Therefore, a total of 45 classroom hours are scheduled for each student. Students are required to carefully read the assigned material before the session and - in the case of seminars - active participation through presentations of existing scholarship and case studies will also be expected. Regardless of the health-related conditions and the specific organization of the course, students will be able to follow the entire course remotely on MS TEAMS.

Course evaluation

Students are encouraged to actively participate during the class. They are required to prepare short group presentations (10 minutes) and to hand in one question per week to stimulate discussions.

Participation in class will count for 35% of the grade

Written paper will count for 65% of the grade (3000 words). Deadline for paper: 15 January 2022.

First Module


Question: What is comparative political economy?

Required reading

Menz, G. 2017. Comparative Political Economy, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Chapter 1 and 2 (available on UNIBO Oxford online).

Further reading

Gourevitch, P. 2008. The role of politics in economic development, Annual Review of Political Science, 11:137–59.

Amable, B., Regan, A., Avdagic, S., Baccaro, L., Pontusson, J., and N. Van der Zwan. 2019. New approaches to political economy, Socio-Economic Review, 17: 433–459.

Globalisation and comparative political economy: contending approaches

Question: Is globalization eroding the nation-state?

Required reading

Menz, G. 2017. Comparative Political Economy, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Chapter 2, section 2.5 ‘CPE and the Globalization Debate’ (available on UNIBO Oxford online).

Bordo, M. Eichengreen, B. J. Irwin, D. A. 1999, Is Globalization Today Really Different than Globalization 100 years ago? NBER Working Paper No. 7195 : 1-27.

Mann, M. 1997. Has globalization ended the rise and rise of the nation-state? Review of International Political Economy, 4, 3 :472-496.

Further reading

Rommel, T. and S. Walter. 2018. The Electoral Consequences of Offshoring: How the Globalization of Production Shapes Party Preferences, Comparative Political Studies, 51, 5 : 621-658.

Varieties of Capitalism

Question: One or more than one model of capitalism?

Required reading

Hall, P. and D. Soskice 2001. An Introduction to Varieties of Capitalism, in P. Hall and D. Soskice, eds. Varieties of Capitalism. Oxford University Press : 1-68 (available on UNIBO Oxford online).

Further reading

Menz, G. 2017. Comparative Political Economy, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Chapter 5 (available on UNIBO Oxford online).

Comparative labour markets

Question: Do models of capitalism influence labour market adjustments in times of crisis?

Required reading

Lallement, M. 2011. Europe and the economic crisis: forms of labour market adjustment and varieties of capitalism. Work, employment and society, 25 :627-641.

Menz, G. 2017. Comparative Political Economy, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Chapter 6 (available on UNIBO Oxford online).

Further reading

Filippetti, A. and F. Guy. 2020. Labor market regulation, the diversity of knowledge and skill, and national innovation performance, Research Policy, 49: 1-14. Sections 1 and 2.

Further reading

Bearce, D. and A. Hart. 2017. International Labor Mobility and the Variety of Democratic Political Institutions. International Organization, 71: 65-95.

Zartaloudis, S. and A. Kornelakis. 2017. Flexicurity between Europeanization and Varieties of Capitalism? A Comparative Analysis of Employment Protection Reforms in Portugal and Greece. Journal of Common Market Studies, 55 :1144-1161.

Varieties of Capitalism in the European Union

Question: Does politics matter in varieties of economic liberalizations

Hall, P. A. 2018. Varieties of capitalism in light of the euro crisis, Journal of European Public Policy, 25, 1: 7-30.

Thatcher M., Reforming National Regulatory Institutions: the EU and Cross-National Variety in European Network Industries, in Hancké, B., Rhodes, M. and M. Thatcher, 2009. Beyond Varieties of Capitalism: Conflict, Contradictions, and Complementarities in the European Economy, Oxford University Press, (available on UNIBO Oxford online).

Thelen, K. 2012. Varieties of Capitalism: Trajectories of Liberalization and the New Politics of Social Solidarity [https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-polisci-070110-122959], Annual Review of Political Science 15:1, 137-159.

Second Module

Topics for Seminars

Beyond Varieties of Capitalism

Hancké, B., Rhodes, M. and M. Thatcher . 2009. Beyond Varieties of Capitalism: Conflict, Contradictions, and Complementarities in the European Economy, Oxford University Press, Introduction (available on UNIBO Oxford online).

Palier, B and K. Thelen. 2010. Institutionalizing Dualism: Complementarities and Change in France and Germany, Politics & Society 38, 1: 119-148.

Mandel, H. and M. Shalev. 2009. Gender, Class, and Varieties of Capitalism, Social Politics 16, 2: 161-181.

Rubery, J. 2009. How Gendering the Varieties of Capitalism Requires a Wider Lens, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society, 16 : 192-203.

Feldmann, M. 2019. Global Varieties of Capitalism. World Politics, 71,1: 162-196.

Political economy responses to international economic crises: 1929-1973

Gourevitch, P. 1986. Politics in Hard Times. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, chapter 1 and chapters on 1929 and 1973 economic crises.

Political economy responses to international economic crises: 2007

Pontusson J. and D. Raess. 2012. How (and Why) Is This Time Different? The Politics of Economic Crisis in Western Europe and the United States, Annual Review of Political Science.

Walter, S. 2016. Crisis Politics in Europe. Why Austerity is Easier to Implement in Some Countries than in Others. Comparative Political Studies 49, 7: 841–873.


First Module


Question: What is comparative political economy?

Required reading

Menz, G. 2017. Comparative Political Economy, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Chapter 1 and 2 (available on UNIBO Oxford online).

Further reading

Gourevitch, P. 2008. The role of politics in economic development, Annual Review of Political Science, 11:137–59.

Amable, B., Regan, A., Avdagic, S., Baccaro, L., Pontusson, J., and N. Van der Zwan. 2019. New approaches to political economy, Socio-Economic Review, 17: 433–459.

Globalisation and comparative political economy: contending approaches

Question: Is globalization eroding the nation-state?

Required reading

Menz, G. 2017. Comparative Political Economy, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Chapter 2, section 2.5 ‘CPE and the Globalization Debate’ (available on UNIBO Oxford online).

Bordo, M. Eichengreen, B. J. Irwin, D. A. 1999, Is Globalization Today Really Different than Globalization 100 years ago? NBER Working Paper No. 7195 : 1-27.

Mann, M. 1997. Has globalization ended the rise and rise of the nation-state? Review of International Political Economy, 4, 3 :472-496.

Further reading

Rommel, T. and S. Walter. 2018. The Electoral Consequences of Offshoring: How the Globalization of Production Shapes Party Preferences, Comparative Political Studies, 51, 5 : 621-658.

Varieties of Capitalism

Question: One or more than one model of capitalism?

Required reading

Hall, P. and D. Soskice 2001. An Introduction to Varieties of Capitalism, in P. Hall and D. Soskice, eds. Varieties of Capitalism. Oxford University Press : 1-68 (available on UNIBO Oxford online).

Further reading

Menz, G. 2017. Comparative Political Economy, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Chapter 5 (available on UNIBO Oxford online).

Comparative labour markets

Question: Do models of capitalism influence labour market adjustments in times of crisis?

Required reading

Lallement, M. 2011. Europe and the economic crisis: forms of labour market adjustment and varieties of capitalism. Work, employment and society, 25 :627-641.

Menz, G. 2017. Comparative Political Economy, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Chapter 6 (available on UNIBO Oxford online).

Further reading

Filippetti, A. and F. Guy. 2020. Labor market regulation, the diversity of knowledge and skill, and national innovation performance, Research Policy, 49: 1-14. Sections 1 and 2.

Further reading

Bearce, D. and A. Hart. 2017. International Labor Mobility and the Variety of Democratic Political Institutions. International Organization, 71: 65-95.

Zartaloudis, S. and A. Kornelakis. 2017. Flexicurity between Europeanization and Varieties of Capitalism? A Comparative Analysis of Employment Protection Reforms in Portugal and Greece. Journal of Common Market Studies, 55 :1144-1161.

Varieties of Capitalism in the European Union

Question: Does politics matter in varieties of economic liberalizations

Hall, P. A. 2018. Varieties of capitalism in light of the euro crisis, Journal of European Public Policy, 25, 1: 7-30.

Thatcher M., Reforming National Regulatory Institutions: the EU and Cross-National Variety in European Network Industries, in Hancké, B., Rhodes, M. and M. Thatcher, 2009. Beyond Varieties of Capitalism: Conflict, Contradictions, and Complementarities in the European Economy, Oxford University Press, (available on UNIBO Oxford online).

Thelen, K. 2012. Varieties of Capitalism: Trajectories of Liberalization and the New Politics of Social Solidarity [https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-polisci-070110-122959], Annual Review of Political Science 15:1, 137-159.

Second Module

Topics for Seminars

Beyond Varieties of Capitalism

Hancké, B., Rhodes, M. and M. Thatcher . 2009. Beyond Varieties of Capitalism: Conflict, Contradictions, and Complementarities in the European Economy, Oxford University Press, Introduction (available on UNIBO Oxford online).

Palier, B and K. Thelen. 2010. Institutionalizing Dualism: Complementarities and Change in France and Germany, Politics & Society 38, 1: 119-148.

Mandel, H. and M. Shalev. 2009. Gender, Class, and Varieties of Capitalism, Social Politics 16, 2: 161-181.

Rubery, J. 2009. How Gendering the Varieties of Capitalism Requires a Wider Lens, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society, 16 : 192-203.

Feldmann, M. 2019. Global Varieties of Capitalism. World Politics, 71,1: 162-196.

Political economy responses to international economic crises: 1929-1973

Gourevitch, P. 1986. Politics in Hard Times. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, chapter 1 and chapters on 1929 and 1973 economic crises.

Political economy responses to international economic crises: 2007

Pontusson J. and D. Raess. 2012. How (and Why) Is This Time Different? The Politics of Economic Crisis in Western Europe and the United States, Annual Review of Political Science.

Walter, S. 2016. Crisis Politics in Europe. Why Austerity is Easier to Implement in Some Countries than in Others. Comparative Political Studies 49, 7: 841–873.

Metodi didattici

Lectures, seminars, presentations.


Teaching techniques: enquiry learning; problem solving learning.

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

Course evaluation

Students are encouraged to actively participate during the class. They are required to prepare short group presentations and to hand in one question per week to stimulate discussions.

Participation in class will count for 35% of the grade

Written paper will count for 65% of the grade (3000 words). Deadline for paper: 15 January 2022.

Strumenti a supporto della didattica

Luxembourg income study datasets to compare inequality indices within and between political economies.

Orario di ricevimento

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