Anno Accademico 2017/2018

  • Docente: Lucia Quaglia
  • Crediti formativi: 8
  • SSD: SPS/04
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Italiano
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Scienze internazionali e diplomatiche (cod. 8783)

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

Il corso si propone di offrire gli strumenti analitici per interpretare e spiegare i legami che intercorrono tra processi economici e politici nella politica internazionale. In particolare, il corso si propone di contribuire all’acquisizione da parte degli studenti di: (1) una buona conoscenza delle principali teorie di questa sotto-disciplina della scienza politica, (2) una ampia conoscenza dei suoi diversi ambiti di indagine empirica (commercio, investimenti, political monetaria, finanza, imprese multinazionali, politica ambientale, politiche di sviluppo internazionale etc.) e (3) una buona capacità di comprendere le scelte politiche con le quali si confrontano i decisori pubblici a diversi livelli di governo nell’economia globale contemporanea.


Il corso è diviso in due parti. La prima parte esamina le principali teorie nello studio della politica economica internazionale (International Political Economy). Saranno quindi discusse le teorie realiste, mercantiliste, marxiste, liberali e costruttiviste. Oltre a questi approcci, il corso esaminerà anche approcci teorici che pongono enfasi sul ruolo di determinanti politiche nazionali nella governance internazionale. Nella seconda parte verranno analizzate le principali istituzioni internazionali in campo commerciale, monetario e finanziario. Di tali istituzioni saranno esaminate origini, funzioni, evoluzioni e recenti crisi. Infine, il corso svilupperà riflessioni di International Political Economy con specifico riferimento alla Unione Europea.

Programma dettagliato

Settimana 1 (lezione 1a e 1b): Introduzione al corso e teorie di IPE: realismo, mercantilismo, marxismo e critical political economy

Letture obbligatorie

Capitoli rilevanti di 1 o 2 libri di testo


Grieco, J. (1988) ‘Anarchy and the limits of cooperation: a realist critique to the newest liberal institutionalism’, International Organization, 43 (2):485-507

Letture integrative (realismo e stabilità egemonica)

Snidal, D. (1985) ‘The Limits of Hegemonic Stability Theory’, International Organization, 39: 579-614

Grieco, J. (1995) ‘The Maastricht Treaty, EMU and the Neo-Realist Research Programme’, Review of International Studies, 21 21-40

Letture integrative (critical political economy e marxismo)

Cox, R. (1992) ‘Multilateralism and world order’, Review of International Studies, 18 (2): 161-180

Gill, S. (2002) ‘Constitutionalizing Inequality and the Clash of Globalizations’, International Studies Review, 4 (2): 47-65

Cox, R. (1996) Approaches to world order, Cambridge University Press

Gibson-Graham, J. K. (1996) The end of capitalism (as we knew it): a feminist critique of political economy, Blackwell

Polany, K. (1974) La grande trasformazione, Einaudi

van Apeldoorn, B. (2000) ‘Transnational Class Agency and European Governance: The Case of the European Round Table of Industrialists’, New Political Economy, 5 (2): 157-181

Settimana 2 (lezione 2° e 2b): Teorie di IPE: costruttivismo, liberal institutionalism e teoria dei giochi

Letture obbligatorie

Capitoli rilevanti di 1 o 2 libri di testo


Martin, L and Simmons, B (1998), ‘Theories and Empirical Studies of International Institutions’, International Organization, 52 (4): 729-757


Adler, E. (1997) ‘Seizing the middle ground’, European Journal of International relations, 3 (3): 319-363

Letture integrative (liberal institutionalism)

Abbott k. and Snidal D. (2001) ‘International Standards and International Governance’,

Journal of European Public Policy, 8(3): 345-370

Axelrod, R. and Keohane, R. (1985) ‘Achieving Cooperation Under Anarchy: Strategies and Institutions’, World Politics, 38 (1): 226-254

Keohane, R (1998) ‘International Institutions: Two Approaches’, International Studies Quarterly, 32 (4): 376-396

Kratochwil, F. and Ruggie, J (1986) ‘International Organization: The State of the Art on an Art of the State’, International Organization, 40 (4): 753-775

Letture integrative (costruttivismo)

Mcnamara, K. (2009) ‘Of intellectual monocultures and the study of IPE’, Review of International Political Economy, 16 (1): 72-84

Mcnamara, K. (1999) ‘Consensus and constraint: Ideas and capital mobility in European monetary integration’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 37 (3): 455-476

Quaglia, L. (2010) ‘Completing the Single Market in Financial services: The politics of competing advocacy coalitions’, Journal of European Public Policy, 17 (7): 1007-1022

Widmaier, W., M. Blyth, and L. Seabrooke, (2007) ‘Exogenous Shocks or Endogenous Constructions? The Meanings of Wars and Crises’, International Studies Quarterly, 51 (4): 747-759

Settimana 3 (lezioni 3a° e 3b): Teorie di IPE: determinanti di politica domestica, gioco a due-livelli e open economy politics

Letture obbligatorie

Capitoli rilevanti di 1 o 2 libri di testo


Moravcsik A. (1997), ‘Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Relations’, International Organization, 51(4): 513-553.


Putnam, R. (1988) ‘Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: The Logic of Two Level Games’, International Organization, 42, (3): 427-460


Oatley, T. (2011) ‘The Reductionist Gamble: Open Economy Politics in the Global Economy’, International Organization, 65: 311-341

Letture integrative

Bailey, M.A., Goldstein, J. and Weingast, B.R. (1997) ‘The Institutional Roots of American Trade Policy: Politics, Coalitions, and International Trade’, World Politics, 49 (3): 309–338 (disponibile anche in Frieden, Lake and Broz (5th edition, 2010), International Political Economy: perspectives on global power and wealth, Norton and Company)

Keohane, R and Milner, H. eds. (1996) Internationalization and Domestic Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge University

Keohane, R. (1984) After Hegemony, Princeton, Princeton University Press

Hosli, M. (2000), ‘The creation of the European economic and monetary union (EMU): intergovernmental negotiations and two-level games’, Journal of European Public Policy, 7 (5): 744-76

Lakes, D. (2009) ‘Open economy politics: A critical review’, Review of International Organizations 4: 219–244

Walsh, J. (1994) ‘International Constraints and Domestic Choice: Economic Convergence and Exchange Rate Policy in France and Italy’, Political Studies, 42 (2): 243-258

Settimana 4 (lezioni 4a e 4b): Il sistema del commercio internazionale

Letture obbligatorie

Capitoli rilevanti di 1 o 2 libri di testo


Goldstein, J. and Martin, L. (2000) ‘Legalization, trade liberalization and domestic politics: a cautionary note’, International Organization 54(3): 603-32.

Settimana 5a. Prova intermedia.

Settimana 5b. Accordi commerciali regionali, EU trade policy, TTIP.

Letture obbligatorie

Capitolo libro di testo sul regionalismo

De Bièvre D. and Poletti A. (2016) ‘Why the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is not (so) new, and why it is also not (so) bad’, Journal of European Public Policy (DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2016.1254273

Letture integrative (Accordi Commerciali e TTIP)

Baccini, L. and Kim, S. Y. (2012) ‘Preventing Protectionism: International Institutions and Trade Policy’, Review of International Organizations, 7 (4): 369-398

Baccini, L. and Dür, A. (2012) `The New Regionalism and Policy Interdependence', British Journal of Political Science 42 (1): 57-79

Dür A., Baccini L. and Elsig M. (2014) ‘The Design of International Trade Agreements: Introducing a New Database’, Review of International Organizations, 9(3): 353-375

Felbermayr G., Heid B. and Lehwald S. (2013), ‘Transatlantic trade and investment partnership: who benefits from a trade deal?’, BertelsmannStiftung (http://www.bfna.org/sites/default/files/TTIP-GED%20study%2017June%202013.pdf).

De Ville F. and Sile Brugge G. (2016) 'Why TTIP is a Game-Changer and Its Critics Have a Point', Journal of European Public Policy, DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2016.1254273.

Eliasson L. J. and García-Duran P. (2016) ‘Why TTIP is an unprecedented geopolitical game-changer, but not a Polanyian moment’, Journal of European Public Policy, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2016.1254275

Settimana 6°(lezioni 6a e 6b): : Il sistema monetario internazionale, regimi di tassi di cambio, bilancia dei pagamenti, dollar. Approfondimento: EMU

Letture obbligatorie

Capitoli rilevanti di 1 o 2 libri di testo


Broz L and Frieden J (2001), ‘The Political Economy of International Monetary Relations’, Annual Review of Political Science 4: 317-43.


Broome, A. and Seabrooke L. (2007) ‘Seeing like the IMF: Institutional change in small open economies’, Review of International Political Economy, 14 (4): 576-601


Eichengreen, B. and Frieden J. (1994) The Political Economy of European Monetary Unification: An Analytical Introduction, available at http://cms-content.bates.edu/prebuilt/eichengreen=frieden.pdf

Letture integrative (cooperazine monetaria internazionale e regionale)

Artis M. (1992) 'The Maastricht Road to monetary union', Journal of Common Market Studies, 30, 3: 299-310.

Gros D. and Thygesen N. (1998) European Monetary Integration. From the European Monetary System to Economic and Monetary Union, Harlow: Longman.

Eichengreen B. (2010), Hegemonic Stability Theories of the International Monetary System, in Frieden, Lake, and Broz, International Political Economy: perspectives on global power and wealth, Norton and Company, Capitolo 14.

Cohen, B. J. (2002), ‘The Triad and the Unholy Trinity: Problems of International Monetary Cooperation’, in Frieden, Lake, and Broz, International Political Economy: perspectives on global power and wealth, Norton and Company, Capitolo 15.

Frieden J. (2010), Globalization and exchange Rate Policy, in Frieden, Lake, and Broz, International Political Economy: perspectives on global power and wealth, Norton and Company, Capitolo 16.

Boughton, J. (2012) Tearing Down Walls: The IMF From 1990-1999, available at http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/history/2012/

Sul ruolo del FMI nella crisi della euro zona Seit & Jost (2012) http://econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/56452/1/689266685.pdf

Settimana 7 (lezioni°7a° e 7b): Il sistema finanziario internazionale, liberalizzazione capitali, crisi finanziarie. Suggerimenti preparazione tesina.

Letture obbligatorie

Capitoli rilevanti libri di testo


Helleiner, E. (2011) ‘Understanding the 2007–2008 Global Financial Crisis: Lessons for Scholars of International Political Economy', Annual Review of Political Science, 14: 67-87

Letture integrative (crisi finanziaria)

Helleiner, E. (2010) ‘A Bretton Woods Moment? The 2007-08 Crisis and the Future of Global Finance’, International Affairs, 86 (3): 619-636

Baker, A. (2010) ‘Restraining Regulatory Capture? Anglo-America, crisis politics and trajectories of change in global financial governance’, International Affairs, 86 (3): 647-663

Hodson D., Quaglia L. (2009) ‘European Perspectives on the Global Financial crisis: Introduction’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 47, 5: 939-952.

Moschella, M., Tsingou, E. (2013), ‘Regulating Finance after the Crisis: Unveiling the Different Dynamics of the Regulatory Process’, Regulation & Governance 7 (4): 407–416

Quaglia, L. & Spendzharova (2018) ‘Post-crisis reforms in banking: Regulators at the interface between domestic and international governance’, Regulation and Governance

Settimana 8° (lezioni 8a e 8b): IFI, networks of regulators and regolamentazione finanziaria internazionale. Approfondimento: UE, US e regolamentazione della finanza globale

Letture obbligatorie

Capitoli rilevanti libri di testo


Quaglia, L. (2014) ‘The European Union, the USA and International Standard Setting in Finance’, New Political Economy, 19 (3): 427-444.

Letture integrative (soft law in finance)

Brummer, C. (2012) Soft law and the global financial system : rule making in the 21. Century Cambridge, Cambridge university press

Kapstein EB (1989) ‘Resolving the Regulator’s Dilemma: International Coordination of Banking Regulations’, International Organisation 43 (2): 323–47

Pan, E. (2010) ‘Challenge of International Cooperation and Institutional Design in Financial Supervision: Beyond Transgovernmental Networks’, Chicago Journal of International Law, Vol. 11, pp. 243-284, also available as Cardozo Legal Studies Research Paper No. 300, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1593334

Quaglia, L. (2014) The European Union and Global Financial Regulation, Oxford University Press, Oxford

Simmons B. (2001) ‘The International Politics of Harmonization: The Case of Capital Market Regulation’, International Organization 55 (3): 589–620

Singer D. (2004) ‘Capital Rules: The Domestic Politics of International Regulatory Harmonization’, International Organization 58 (3): 531–65

Slaughter, A. (1997) ‘The real new world order’, Foreign Affairs, 76 (5): 183-197

Letture integrative (Gs)

Moschella, M. and Quaglia, L. (2016), ‘To agree or not to agree: the EU in the G 20’, Journal of European Public Policy, 23 (6): 906-924

Moschella, M. and Quaglia, L. (2013) ‘Speaking with one voice in international finance? The EU and the institutional features of global financial regulatory bodies’, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica (in English).

Letture integrative (FSB)

Donnelly S (2012) Institutional Change at the Top: From the Financial Stability Forum to the Financial Stability Board. In Maynz R: Crisis and Control: Institutional Change in Financial Market Regulation, pp. 261 – 75. Campus, Frankfurt am Mainz, Germany, available at http://www.mpifg.de/pu/mpifg_book/mpifg_bd_75.pdf.

Griffith-Jones, S., E Helleiner, N Woods (2010) The financial stability board: an effective fourth pillar of global economic governance, CIGI, https://www.cigionline.org/sites/default/files/fsb_special_report_2.pdf

Helleiner, E. (2010), ‘The financial stability board and international standards’ CIGI, http://www20.iadb.org/intal/catalogo/PE/2011/08275.pdf

Letture integrative (Comitato di Basilea)

Goldbach R (2015b) ‘Asymmetric Influence in Global Banking Regulation, Transnational Harmonization, the Competition State, and the Roots of Regulatory Failure’, Review of International Political Economy 22 (6): 1087-1127

Kapstein E. (1992) ‘Between Power and Purpose: Central Bankers and the Politics of Regulatory Convergence’, International Organization 46 (1): 265-87

Oatley, T. and Nabors, R. (1998) ‘Redistributive Cooperation: Market Failure, Wealth Transfers, and the Basle Accord’, International Organization, 52 (1): 35-54

Howarth, D. and Quaglia, L. (2016) ‘The Comparative Political Economy of Basel III in Europe’, Policy and Society 35 (3): 205-214. Available also Howarth, D. and Quaglia, L. (2015), The Comparative Political Economy of Basel III in Europe’, Edinburgh School of Law Research Paper 2015/19; Europa Working Paper No 2015/ 03. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2630555##

Moschella, M. and Quaglia, L. (2013) ‘Speaking with one voice in international finance? The EU and the institutional features of global financial regulatory bodies’, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica (in English).

Cooper, A. (2010) ‘The G20 as an improvised crisis committee and/or a contested 'steering committee' for the world’, International Affairs, 86 (3): 741-757

Drezner, D. (2009) 'You Say Multilateralism, I Say Minilateralism'', Foreign Policy, July/August

Tsingou E (2015) ‘Club Governance and the Making of Global Financial Rules’, Review of International Political Economy, 22 (2): 225-256

Payne, T. (2010) ‘How Many 'Gs' Are There In Global Governance After The Crisis?’, International Affairs’, 86 (3): 729-740

Woods, N. (2010) 'Global Governance After The Crisis: A New Multilateralism or the Last Gasp of the Great Powers?', Global Policy 1(1): 51-63

Settimana 9° (lezioni 9a° e 9b): Crisi debito sovrano nell’area euro: cause e conseguenze

Letture obbligatorie (crisi euro)

Buti, M. and Carnot, N. (2012) ‘The EMU debt crisis: early lessons and reforms’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 50 (6): 899-911

Hall P. A. (2012) ‘The Economics and Politics of the Euro Crisis’, German Politics 21, 4: 355-371

Howarth, D. and Quaglia L. (2015), ‘The political economy of the euro area’s sovereign debt crisis: Introduction’, Review of International Political Economy, 22 (3): 457-484

Letture integrative

Journal of Common Market Studies, symposium on ‘Economic and Monetary Union and the Crisis of the Eurozone’, 50, 6

Review of International Political Economy, special issue on the ‘the sovereign debt crisis in the euro area’ 22, 3

Arghyrou M. G. and A. Kontonikas (2011) ‘The EMU sovereign-debt crisis: Fundamentals, expectations and contagion’, European Economy, Economic Papers 46

Burns, C. J., Clifton, J. & Quaglia, L. (2017) ‘Explaining policy change in the EU: financial reform after the crisis’, Journal of European Public Policy, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2017.1301535

De Grauwe P. (2009) ‘The Fragility of the Eurozone’s Institutions’, Open Economies Review, 21, 1: 167-174

Gros, D. (2012) ‘On the stability of public debt in a monetary union’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 50, s2: 36-48

Hodson D. (2010) ‘The EU Economy: the Euro Area in 2009’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 48, Annual Review: 225-242

Hodson D (2011 and 2012) Journal of Common Market Studies, Annual Reviews.

Moravcsik A. (2012) ‘Europe after the Crisis: How to Sustain a Common Currency’, Foreign Affairs 91, 3: 54-68

Schmidt V. (2010) ‘The Unfinished Architecture of Europe's Economic Union (Comment)’, Governance, 23, 4: 555-559

Settimana 10a,b: Brexit & l'economia politica internazionale

Special issues on Brexit of Journal of European Public Policy 2016 & 2018.

Special issu on Brexit of British Journal of Politics and International Relations

Lavery, S, Quaglia, L. and Dannreuther, C. (2017), ‘The Political Economy of Brexit and the UK's National Business Model’, SPERI working paper N. 41, https://brussels.whiterose.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/SPERI-Paper-41-The-Political-Economy-of-Brexit-and-the-UK-s-National-Business-Model-PRINT-2.pdf

Howarth, D., Quaglia, L., (2017) ‘Brexit and the Single European Financial Market’, Journal of Common Market Studies Annual Review, 55 (s1): 149–164

James, S. and Quaglia, L. (2017) ‘Brexit and the Limits of Financial Power in the UK’, Working Paper, University of Oxford, https://www.geg.ox.ac.uk/brexit-and-limits-financial-power-uk

Quaglia, L. and Howarth, D. (2018), ‘Brexit and the battle for finance’, Journal of European Public Policy,

see SPERI (University of Sheffield) website




(1 o 2 a scelta)

Gilpin, R. (2009) Economia politica globale. Le relazioni economiche internazionali nel XXI secolo Università Bocconi Editore

Oatley, T. (2016) International Political Economy, Routledge

Ravenhill, J. (2017) Global Political Economy, Oxford University Press

OPPURE versione in italiano:

Ravenhill, J. (2013), Economia Politica Globale, Guerini Scientifica

Metodi didattici

Lezioni frontali e attivita' seminariale

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

- Prova intermedia (sulla prima parte di programma): (50%)

- Tesina finale (massimo 3000 parole incluse note e bibliografia): (50%)

Strumenti a supporto della didattica

Videoproiettore, slide presentazioni docente, risorse bibliteca, risorse web.

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Lucia Quaglia