Anno Accademico 2020/2021

  • Docente: Ugo Vincenzo Maria Forghieri
  • Crediti formativi: 6
  • SSD: ING-IND/35
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

The student will be introduced to the management of projects in the specific framework of the off-shore industry, with the aim of understanding the activities required to effectively manage a large-scale off-shore project.


UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA – SCUOLA DI INGEGNERIA e ARCHITETTURA – LM in Offshore Engineering - Course: Project Management in Offshore Activities - Second Cycle AA 2020-2021

Class schedule: 09:00-13:00 - Campus RAVENNA - Teacher: U. Forghieri

Class Day of week (year 2021): Friday (to be confirmed) starting last week of February and ending last week of May 2021

Content of each of the 12 Classes:

Project Set-up Class I

The project and its basics. Governance, powers & interests, requirements, the structure vs the scope

Project Set-up Class II

The Project in the operational structures: roles and responsibilities Project Manager and Team members.. The deliverables. Exercise on WBS & OBS in a specific offshore case study.

Project Organization Class III

The project Start-up. Basic strategies: economy and finance for the project. Budget & project control of physical + time advancements. The cash flow.

Project Organization Class IV

Time management & Critical Path Method: exercise on Gantt scheduling and CPM for an offshore case. Basics of the Earned Value system for Project Control.

Strategic Drivers Class V

The management of information. Quality for the project: managing the changes. The success through the team: building the team.

Strategic Drivers Class VI

Cases/Exercises on team building and teamwork.

Risk, Negotiation & Procurement Class VII

The supply chain. Managing Conflict and the Art of Negotiation. The Game Theory and practical negotiation examples. Role playing exercise based on a specific offshore case study

Risk, Negotiation & Procurement Class VIII

Basics of risk management. Exercise: risk analysis for an offshore case.

People & Context Class IX

Relations & networking. Effective and open personal communication during the project. Selfcontrol. Exercises on communication in interpersonal cases.

People & Context Class X

The behavioral competences of a PM associate: the “soft skills” in practice. Workshop: interactive exercises on behavioral approaches in situations involving the PM and the Team.

People & Context Class XI

Being reliable. Ingenuity and resourcefulness. Integrity & leadership: the values.

ProjectSuccess Class XII

The project within the company. Stakeholder management. Result orientation. Project Close Out and the lessons learned.

To be planned a possible additional session for review – recap for exam

Dates to be planned for visits to offshore Companies in Ravenna area (to be advised 2 weeks before visits).

To be advised Final Exam: 1rst Call Final Exam

To be advised Final Exam: 2ndCall Final Exam

Metodi didattici


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