Anno Accademico 2014/2015

  • Docente: Filippo Andreatta
  • Crediti formativi: 8
  • SSD: SPS/04
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Relazioni internazionali (cod. 8782)


The course will analyze world politics with special reference to the role Europe in the international system. The first part will deal with theoretical interpretations of world politics, with particular attention to the main schools of thought: realism, liberalism and constructivism. The second part will deal with Europe's historical role in world politics, from its age of dominance (1500-1945) to the present (1945-2014).


Required reading:
Kennedy P. (1987) The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, New York: Random House, trad. it.: Ascesa e declino delle grandi potenze, Garzanti: Milano, 1989.

Reading list (items marked with an asterisk (*) are reuired)

Part I
1. General explanations
*Snyder, J. (2004) «One World, Rival Theories», Foreign Policy, 145, pp. 52-62.
*Jervis, R. (2002) «Theories of War in an Era of Leading-Power Peace», American Political Science Review,  96 (1), pp. 1-14.
Bowles, S. (2008) «Conflict: Altruism Midwife», Nature, (456), pp. 326-327.
Levy, J. S. e Thompson, W. R. (2010) Causes of War, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Pinker, S. (2011) The better angels of our nature. Why violence has declined, New York, Viking, Trad. it. Il declino della violenza, Milano: Mondadori, 2013, [capp. 1-6].

2. Realist explanatios
*Gilpin, R. (1988) «The Theory of Hegemonic War» Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 18 (4), pp. 591-613.
*Waltz, K. (1988) «The Origins of War in Neorealist Theory», Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 18 (4) pp. 615-628.
*Jervis, R. (1978) «Cooperation Under the Security Dilemma», World Politics, 30 (2), pp. 167-214.
Waltz, K. (2000) Structural Realism after the Cold War, International Security, 25 (1), pp. 5-41.
Mearsheimer, J. (2001) The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, New York: W.W. Norton, Trad. it. La logica di potenza. L'America, le guerre, il controllo del mondo, Milano: Bocconi, 2008, [capp. 1-4].
Luttwak E. (1999) «Give War a Chance», Foreign Affairs, 78 (4), pp. 36-44.
Andreatta, F. (2008) «Leadership ed egemonia nel sistema internazionale. Un'analisi storica con un'occhiata al futuro», Equilibri, 12 (3), pp. 387-406.

3. Liberal explanations
*Russet, B. and O'Neale, J. (2001) Triangulating Peace. Democracy, Interdependence and International Organizations, New York: W. W. Norton,  [cap. 1].
*Gartzke, E. (2008) «The Capitalist Peace», American Journal of Political Science, 51 (1), pp. 166-191.
*Ikenberry, J. (1998) Institutions, Strategic Restraint, and the Persistence of American Postwar Order, International Security, 23 (3), pp. 43-78.
Fearon, J. (1995) «Rationalist Explanations for War», International Organization, 49 (3), pp. 379-414.
Keohane, R. (1988) «International Institutions: Two Approaches», International Studies QUarterly, 32 (4), pp. 379-396.
Axelrod, R. and Keohane, R. (1985) «Achieving Cooperation under Anarchy: Strategies and Institutions», World Politics, 38 (1), pp. 226-254.
Kaysen, C. (1990) «Is War Obsolete?: A Review Essay», International Security, 14 (4) pp. 42-64.
Chua, A. (2007) Day of Empire. How Hyperpowers Rise to Global Dominance, and How They Fall, New York: Doubleday.
Andreatta, F. and Koenig-Archibugi, M. (2001) «L'orizzonte della cooperazione. La controversia sui vantaggi relativi nelle relazioni internazionali», Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 31 (2), pp. 235-276.

4. Alternative explanations
*Jervis, R. (1988) «War and Misperception», Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 18 (4), pp. 675-700.
*Allison, G. (1969) «Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis», The American Political Science Review, 63 (3), pp. 689-718.
*Wendt, A. (1992) «Anarchy is what states make of it: the social construction of power politics», International Organization, 46 (2), pp. 391-425.
*Wight, M. (1987) «An anatomy of International Thought», Review of International Studies, 13, 221-227.
Howard, M. (2001) The Invention of Peace. Reflections on Peace and International Order, London: Profile Books, trad. it. L'invenzione della pace: guerra e relazioni internazionali, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2002.
North, D., Wallis, J. e Weingast, B. (2009) «Violence and the Rise of Open-Access Orders», Journal of Democracy, 20 (1), pp. 55-68.
Olson Jr, M. (1993) «Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development», American Political Science Review, 87 (3), pp. 567-576.
Jervis, R. (1997) «Complexity and the Analysis of Political and Social Life», Political Science Quarterly, 112 (4), pp. 569-593.
Huntington, S. (1993) «The Clash of Civilizations?», Foreign Affairs, 72 (3), pp. 22-49.
Fioretos, O. (2011) Historical Institutionalism in International Relations, International Organization, 65 (2), pp. 367-399.

PART II: Europe's Role in the World

Downing, B. (1989) «Medieval Origins of Constitutional Government in the West», Theory and Society, 18 (2), pp. 213-247.
Abernethy, D. B. (2000) The Dynamics of Global Dominance: European Overseas Empires (1415-1980), New Haven: Yale University Press.
Cohen, B. J. (1973) The question of imperialism. The political economy of dominance and dependence, New York: Basic Books.
Cipolla, C. M. (1965) Guns and Sails in the Early Phase of European Expansion, London: Collins and Sons; trad. it. Vele e cannoni, Bologna: Il Mulino, 1983.
Findlay, R. and O'Rourke, K. (2007) Power and Plenty. Trade, War and the World Economy in the Second Millennium, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Allin, D. and Jones, E. (2012) Weary Policeman. American Power in an Age of Austerity, Adelphi Papers, (52: 430-431) London: International Institute for Strategic Studies.
Giegerich, B. (ed.) (2010) Europe and Global Security, Adelphi Papers (50: 414-415), London: International Institute for Strategic Studies.
Hoslag, J. (2010) Trapped Giant. China's Military Rise, Adelphi Papers (50: 416), London: International Institute for Strategic Studies

Further Reading on EU Foreign Policy
Hill, C. and Smith, M. (2011) International Relations and the European Union, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2nd ed.
Krotz , U. and Maher, R. (2011) «International Relations Theory and the Rise of European Foreign and Security Policy» World Politics, 63 (03) pp. 548-579
Rosato, S. (2011) «Europe's Troubles: Power Politics and the State of the European Project», International Secutiry,  35 (4), pp. 45-86.
Hyde-Price, A. (2006) «'Normative' power Europe: a realist critique», Journal of European Public Policy, 13 (2), pp. 217-234.
Posen, B. (2006) «European Union Security and Defense Policy: Response to Unipolarity?» Security Studies, 15 (2), pp. 149-186.
Diez, T. Sletter, S and Alberrt, M. (2006) «The European Union and Border Conflicts: The Transformative Power of Integration», International Organization, 60 (3), pp. 563-593
Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, M. and Verdier, D. (2005) «European Integration as a Solution to War» European Journal of International Relations, 11 (1), pp. 99-135.
Maull, H. (2005) «Europe and the New Balance of Global Order», International Affairs, 81 (4), pp. 775-799.
Jupille, J., Caporaso, J. and Checkel, J. (2003) «Integrating Institutions: Rationalism, Constructivism, and the Study of the European Union», Comparative Political Studies, 36 (1-2), pp. 7-40.
Tsebelis, G. and Garrett, G. (2003) «The Institutional Foundations of Intergovernmentalism and Supranationalism in the European Union», International Organization, 55 (2), pp. 357-390.
Parsons, C. (2002) «Showing Ideas as Causes: The Origins of the European Union», International Organization, 56 (1), pp. 47-84.
Jupille, J. (1999) «The European Union and International Outcomes», International Organization, 53 (2), pp. 409-425.
Finnemore, M. and Sikkink, K. (1998) «International Norm Dynamics and Political Change», International Organization, 52 (4) pp. 887-917.
Art, R. (1996) «Why Western Europe Needs the United States and NATO», Political Science Quarterly, 111 (1), pp. 1-39.
Rosamond, B. (1995) «Mapping the European Condition: The Theory of Integration and the Integration of Theory», European Journal of International Relations, 1 (3), pp. 391-408.
Koenig-Archibugi, M. (2004) «Explaining Government Preerences for Institutional Change in EU Foreign and Security Policy», International Organization, 58 (1), pp. 137-174.
Koenig-Archibugi, M. (2004) «International Governance as New Raison d'État? the Case of the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy», European Journal of International Relations, 10 (2), pp. 147-188.
Gordon, P. (1997) «Europe's Uncommon Foreign Policy», International Security, 22 (3), 74-100.

Metodi didattici

Twenty two hour classes.

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

Written examination. Students will be required to answer three questions out of seve in 45 minutes.

Strumenti a supporto della didattica

Power point presentations.

Orario di ricevimento

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