Anno Accademico 2014/2015

  • Docente: Daniela Iorio
  • Crediti formativi: 8
  • SSD: SECS-P/01
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
  • Moduli: Daniela Iorio (Modulo 1) Paola Subacchi (Modulo 2)
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza (Modulo 1) Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Relazioni internazionali (cod. 8782)


Week 1: 12 February

A tour of the world: Handouts + Blanchard, ch.2


Week 2 - from 17 to 19 February


R. Baldwin, Towards an Integrated Europe (London: Centre for European Policy Research, 2004).


Fraser Cameron, The European Union as a Model for Regional Integration, (New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press, 2010).


Ralph Dahrendorf, Why Europe matters. A personal view (London: Centre for European Reform, 1996).


Rudiger Dornbush, ‘Euro fantasies: Common Currency as Panacea’, Foreign Affairs, 75 (5), pp. 110-24.


Mario Draghi, Speech to the Global Investment Conference, London, 26 July 2012.


(The) Economist, ‘Maastricht follies’, 9 April 1998.


David Marsh, The euro; the battle for the new global currency (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2011, new edition.


Jürgen Stark, ‘German prudence is not to blame for the eurozone’s ills’, Financial Times, 12 February 2015.



Week 3 - from 24 to 26 February


Review of Macroeconomic tools: Handouts + Blanchard ch.3-6.

Open economies and fiscal coordination: Handouts + Blanchard, ch.7

Global Fiscal Stimulus: IMF article http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/survey /so/2008/INT122908A.htm


Week 4 - from 3 to 5 March


Jamil, Anderlini and Lucy Hornby (2014), “China overtakes US as world’s largest goods traderâ€, in Financial Times, 10 January 2014.


(The) Economist, ‘Europe’s textile war with China - and itself’, 1 September 2005.


Fredrik, Erixon,  Hosuk Lee-Makiyama, Matthias Bauer and Martina F. Ferracane, ‘Trans-pacific partnership: a challenge to Europe’, ECIPE Policy Brief, November 2014.


Paolo Guerrieri and Piero Esposito, 2012, ‘The internationalization of the Italian economy: a lost chance, an opportunity to seize’, Review of economic conditions in Italy, 2012, pp. 55-81.


Daniel S. Hamilton and Joseph P. Quinlan, eds., The Transatlantic Economy 2014. Vol. 1: Headline Trends (Washington DC: Centre for Transatlantic Relations, 2014).

IMF, ‘Competitiveness in the Southern euro area: France, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain’, Working Paper No.08/112.


Bill Lewis et al., US Productivity Growth, 1995-2000, McKinsey Global Institute, October 2001.


Josh Noble and Gabriel Wildau, ‘Fear of a deflationary spiral’, Financial Times, 1 December 2014.


Jim O’ Neill, The growth map. Economic opportunity in the BRICs and beyond (London: Portfolio  Penguin, 2011).


Pietra Rivoli, The travels of a T-shirt in the global economy. An economist examines the markets, power and politics of world trade (Hoboken NJ: Wiley, 2005).


Philip, Whyte, ‘Why has the Eurozone’s recovery been weaker than the US’s?’, in CER Bulletin, No. 90 (June/ July 2013), pp. 3-4.

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

Daniela Iorio: Homework in team (3 students) submitted as pdf via email by April 12th. 2-3 pages of text, excluding the bibliography, and tables and figures in the appendix (Supplement: data series, their source, and legend). Topic: to be discussed with the instructor by March19th.

Paola Subacchi: The exam will be organised in two papers of no more than 1,000 words each, to be prepared and submitted by the end of April and the end of May respectively. The first paper will be on Europe's single market and single currency. The second paper will be on the economic interaction of Europe with the rest of the world - in particular, the US and China. Using material such as newspaper articles and data series - to be circulated together with the questions for the essay - the students need to write an essay on the assigned topic, showing a good understanding of such a topic as well as the ability to discuss it in a critical way. Course attendance and familiarity with the suggested reading list are essential for the preparation of these papers.

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Daniela Iorio

Consulta il sito web di Paola Subacchi