Anno Accademico 2023/2024

  • Docente: Roberto Verdone
  • Crediti formativi: 3
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

Al termine dell’attività formativa, lo studente è in grado di acquisire le abilità richieste per svolgere con successo la professione di ingegnere, con particolare riferimento alle cosiddette soft skill, ovvero abilità non tecniche quali le capacità di ragionamento induttivo/deduttivo/analitico/progettuale, capacità comunicative ed empolyability. Lo studente è in grado di usare gli strumenti di base per la gestione di progetti, come i diagrammi i Gantt e Pert, la divisione del lavoro in work package, la stima dei costi di progetto e aspetti correlati.


The syllabus is reported below. More information on the course approach can be found on www.robertoverdone.org.

I.Introduction (approx 3 hours).

II. A Pragmatic Approach to Project Management (approx 9 hours).

- Projects, Roles, WBS

- Gantt and PERT Diagrams

- Cost Assessment

- Submitting a Project Proposal

III. Soft Skills and Aptitudes (approx 12 hours).

- Introduction to Cognitive Processes

- Soft Skills at Time of Industry 4.0

- Success and Talent

- Aptitudes

- Team Work

- Leadership

- Learning Styles

IV. Communication Skills (approx 9 hours).

- Fundamentals of Human Communication

- Persuasion

- Inter-Personal Communication

- Presentation Skills

Additionally, the course will include a Madness session where all students will introduce themselves in one minute, a CV contest, and, possibly, one or two seminars from professionals.


Slidesets. Several books will be suggested for additional reading during the classes. None of them is specifically useful to cover the contents of the course. The course requires attendance.

Metodi didattici

Most lectures are based on the alternation of a presentation by the instructor and group work.

Moreover, students will be assigned tasks to be performed every week by mid of the following week.

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

The student will undergo a written questionnaire plus an oral exam.

The written questionnaire will include close-answer questions on the theoretical aspects addressed by the course. Students will be incentivised to pass it before end of the course. Otherwise, they will be given the chance to pass it on the same day of the oral exam.

Prior to the date of the exam the student will deliver via email to the instructor by a specific deadline (normally two weeks before):

1) a one page document on a topic agreed with the instructor, following the template provided by the instructor (see www.robertoverdone.org)

2) a three page research project proposal, following the template provided by the instructor (see www.robertoverdone.org)

3) His/Her CV with a cover letter, simulating the application for a job position as project manager.

The deliveries will be assessed before the date of the exam. By the day before the exam date, the student will be informed whether they can be admitted to the exam.

During the oral exam, the student will present in five minutes the slideset prepared.

More precise criteria for assessments will be provided during the lectures.

Strumenti a supporto della didattica


Online forms and tests.

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Roberto Verdone


Istruzione di qualità

L'insegnamento contribuisce al perseguimento degli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile dell'Agenda 2030 dell'ONU.