Anno Accademico 2019/2020

  • Docente: Mariella Lorusso
  • Crediti formativi: 6
  • SSD: L-LIN/11
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Fashion studies (cod. 9067)

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

Al termine del corso lo studente avrà una buona conoscenza della lingua inglese con particolare attenzione al linguaggio della moda; - conosce il lessico specifico; - è in grado di leggere la letteratura in materia (libri, riviste etc.), elaborare testi in inglese sulla moda e comunicare verbalmente con esperti del settore. Lo studente avrà inoltre l’opportunità di sviluppare competenze di ricerca e abilità di presentazione orale.


The course is intended for first-year students of Fashion Studies -FAST- (international two-year master) who need to communicate in English for their studies and jobs in fashion. Its main purpose is to improve translation and critical reading of English texts, and to encourage discussions and reflections on themes relevant to fashion.

To help students understand specific texts of the fashion sector and fashion studies linguistic and textual analysis of practical documents will be the main activity carried out.

The topics of the course will cover garment design and construction, fashion trends and future predictions.

Lessons will be held in English and partly in Italian for the translations.

Within the framework of Special Lessons, scholars and professionals are invited to hold seminars that students must attend.


for the final exam students will be tested on the following texts, films and assignments:

- Reader 2020: 3 drawings besides the ones done in class, 3 designers of student’s choice.

(Pls note: we will use the Reader starting from the FIRST LECTURE; the Reader will be available starting from November 11th at Cartoleria Tecnica, Via Dante, 30)

- Marnie Fogg, Fashion Design Directory, Firefly 2011 /Thames & Hudson, 2011 (Pls note: the part of this book required for the exam is contained in the Reader 2020)

(the Italian version of Marnie Fogg, Fashion Design Directory, La Moda dalla A alla Z, Atlante, 2012, is recommended for students who have difficulties in translating from English into Italian part of the Reader on the descriptions of fashion designers and their creations).

- Dizionario della moda (inglese-italiano, italiano-inglese), Mariella Lorusso, Zanichelli, Bologna 2017

- Vogue On Gianni Versace, Charlotte Sinclair, Quadrille Publishing, London 2015


- Two films

- "Prêt-à-porter", by Robert Altman, 1994"

- Valentino: The Last Emperor", by Matt Tyrnauer, 2008

- “Dior and I”, by Frédéric Tcheng, 2014

- “Phantom Thread”, by Paul Thomas Anderson, 2018


- student's presentation (during lectures or final exam)

Pls note: non-attending students should contact the teacher to get instructions.

- Written assignment of 3000-4000 characters, spaces included, on Vogue On Gianni Versace, Charlotte Sinclair, Quadrille Publishing, London 2015(only one date: December 20th, Green Lab, Via Angherà, 22)

Pls note: Vogue on Gianni Versace (oral) for those students who won’t be present at the written assignment.

Metodi didattici

Lectures, teacher-led discussion and assignments. Interaction with students, presentations, and role-play simulations.

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

The final exam will be oral and will evaluate field-specific terminology, and the ability of the student to understand and talk about literature (books, journals, etc.) of this sector. Students are also required to write an assignment of 3000-4000 characters, spaces included. (only one date: December 20th, to be confirmed)

A single final mark will be given based on the average of the following components:

- written assignment on Vogue On Gianni Versace (one date: December 20th, Green Lab);

- Reader 2020;

- two films;

- student's presentation (during lectures or final exam)

PLS NOTE: non-attending students should contact the teacher for instructions.

Strumenti a supporto della didattica

PC, Wi-Fi, video/DVD projector, overhead projector

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Mariella Lorusso