Who can apply for their use
Applications for their use can be submitted by:
- teachers, researchers, professional staff and managers of university facilities;
- student associations, groups of at least fifteen students, student representatives;
- trade union organisations;
- external, public and private entities.
How to apply for spaces
The University of Bologna grants spaces for temporary use for a maximum of 29 days in a year and on condition that their use is compatible with the University's image and identity.
Applications must be submitted thirty days (fifteen if the application is submitted by groups of students) before the scheduled starting date of the initiative. Applications submitted less than 30 days before can only be accepted if the spaces are available and if the timeframe for granting or authorising same allows it.
The competent offices shall reply to the applicant within ten working days from the date of receipt of the application.
For detailed information, please consult the Guidelines for the concession of spaces (in Italian) [.pdf 922 KB] and the related Regulations.
Application for spaces in Bologna
Teachers, assistant professors, professional staff and managers of University facilities
To apply for spaces, you need to fill in the online form for the space of interest:
Forms are available in your restricted area, accessible with your institutional credentials.
Student associations, students
To apply for spaces, you need to fill in the online form for the space of interest:
- Classrooms and other spaces - online form for student associations and the student community
- Meeting rooms - online form for student associations and the student community
Forms are available in your restricted area, accessible with your institutional credentials.
External parties
To apply for spaces, please fill in the form for external parties [.docx 70 KB] and send it to:
- for outdoor spaces: apat.programmazionespazi@unibo.it
- for all other spaces: prenotazione.spazi@unibo.it
Application for spaces in Cesena
Teachers, assistant professors, professional staff and managers of University facilities
To apply for spaces, please fill in the online form for staff (restricted access with institutional credentials).
Student associations and students
To apply for spaces, please fill in the online form for students (restricted access with institutional credentials).
External parties
To apply for spaces, please fill in the form for external parties [.docx 70 KB] and send it to acce.affarigenerali@unibo.it (Cesena Campus Branch - General Affairs and Staff Unit).
Application for spaces in Forlì
Teachers, assistant professors, professional staff and managers of University facilities
To apply for spaces, please fill in the online form for staff (restricted access with institutional credentials).
Student associations and students
To apply for spaces, please fill in the online form for students (restricted access with institutional credentials).
External parties
To apply for spaces, please fill in the form for external parties [.docx 70 KB] and send it to acfo.ufficioaaggforli@unibo.it (Forlì Campus Branch - General Affairs and Staff Unit - General Affairs Office).
Application for spaces in Ravenna
Teachers, assistant professors, professional staff and managers of University facilities
To apply for spaces, please fill in the online form for staff (restricted access with institutional credentials).
Student associations and students
To apply for spaces, please fill in the online form for students (restricted access with institutional credentials).
External parties
To apply for spaces, please fill in the form for external parties [.docx 70 KB] and send it to campusravenna.staff@unibo.it (Ravenna and Rimini Campus Branch - Accounting and Administrative Services Unit - Agreements and Asset Management Office).
Application for spaces in Rimini
Teachers, assistant professors, professional staff and managers of University facilities
To apply for spaces, please fill in the online form for staff (restricted access with institutional credentials).
Student associations and students
To apply for spaces, please fill in the online form for students (restricted access with institutional credentials).
External parties
To apply for spaces, please fill in the form for external parties [.docx 70 KB] and send it to campusrimini.segrdirezione@unibo.it (Ravenna and Rimini Campus Branch - General Affairs and Staff Unit - Campus Administration Office).
Halls in Bologna
- Aula Prodi/Cloister – San Giovanni In Monte
- Aula Absidale Santa Lucia
- Salone Marescotti - Palazzo Brazzetti Marescotti
- Aula Poeti/Sala Boschereccia
- Sala Ulisse
- Sala Manfredi
- Auditorium in Via Azzo Gardino
- Aula Magna Santa Cristina and its cloisters
- Sala Zodiaco
- Aula Farneti
- Aula Jemolo
- Sala Rossa
- Sala del Camino