Biotherapeutic strategy for the rebalancing of the intestinal microbiota of early childhood

Intestinal bifidobacterias are fundamental to prevent gastrointestinal diseases, but infants born by cesarean section and/or fed with artificial formulas can have low level of bifidobacteria. The administration of vaginal Lactobacillus can promote the colonization of intestinal bifidobacteria.

Patent title Ceppo di lattobacillo utilizzabile per stimolare e riequilibrare il microbiota intestinale
Thematic area Health
Inventors Claudio Foschi, Angela Abruzzo, Carola Eleonora Parolin, Antonella Marangoni, Beatrice Vitali, Barbara Luppi, Barbara Giordani
Protection Italy, with the possibility to extend internationally
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords Vaginal lactobacilli, Bifidobacteria, Prebiotics, Food supplements, Medical device, Early childhood, Breastfeeding, Probiotics
Filed on 14 October 2021

An intestinal microbiota enriched by bifidobacteria can promote a proper development of the immune system. It is known that infants born by cesarean section can have lower level of bifidobacteria than those born naturally. Moreover, also bottle-fed newborns can have low level of bifidobacteria and it can cause an increase in gastrointestinal diseases in infants. It's therefore strongly necessary to find new solutions that allow to adequately treat any deficiency of bifidobacteria in the intestinal microbiota of newborns and infants.

The invention relates to the prebiotic activity of a Lactobacillus strain of vaginal origin and its use, in the perspective to promote the proliferation of intestinal bifidobacteria in newborns and infants. The invention can be incorporated in an oral composition to be administered to newborns or infants to promote the balance of the intestinal flora, or in a topical composition to be applied on the nipples of a breast-feeding woman, also allowing a complementary regenerating and soothing action for the breast skin.


  • Development of nutritional supplements for early childhood
  • Development of medical devices for the treatment of the breasts in breast-feeding women


  • Improvement of the health and immune system of infants born by caesarean section and bottle-fed babies
Page published on: 22 May 2024