Method for determining the depth from a single image and system thereof

The invention consists of a method for estimating depth, optical flow, and other semantic information on low-power devices. Specifically, low-resolution images acquired from a single camera are processed by a lightweight and highly accurate self-supervised Convolutional Neural Network.

Patent title Method for determining the depth from a single image and system thereof
Thematic area Industry, Digital and Security
Inventors Matteo Poggi, Fabio Tosi, Filippo Aleotti, Valentino Peluso, Antonio Cipolletta, Andrea Calimera, Stefano Mattoccia
Protection International (PCT)
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords Monocular Sensors, Low-Resolution Images, Low-Power Devices, Deep Neural Networks, Embedded Systems
Filed on 24 March 2021

Estimating the depth and the optical flow from a scene is crucial in several computer vision applications. A recent trend aims to infer such cues from a single camera to simplify the setup and allow their use in application contexts characterized by severe cost and size constraints.

The invention consists of a tiny Convolutional Neural Network capable of processing low-resolution images to obtain coarse semantic information of the observed scene. The network can run on off-the-shelf microcontroller units with minimal power requirements (a few hundreds of mW). Nevertheless, it is accurate enough to serve as the backbone of many high-level IoT applications such as people tracking, simple traffic monitoring, and privacy-preserving monitoring systems. Moreover, the network is trained in a self-supervised manner; thus, it does not require costly ground-truth annotations during the training phase.


  • Proximity control systems
  • Tracking systems
  • Traffic monitoring systems
  • Privacy-preserving monitoring systems
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality



  • Extraction of dense semantic information from a single image
  • Trained with self-supervised learning
  • Compatible with mobile battery-powered devices
  • Low cost
Page published on: 03 May 2021