Natural contrast medium

Dose-optimized natural contrast agent, for cholangiopancreatographic MRI, to be administered to each patient before the MRI is performed.

Patent title Natural contrast medium for cholangiopancreatographic MRI
Thematic area Health
Ownership ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - UNIVERSITA' DI BOLOGNA, IRCCS Azienda ospedaliero-universitaria di Bologna - SSD Psicologia Clinica Ospedaliera
Inventors Matteo Renzulli, Daniele Caretti, Rita Golfieri
Protection Italy (opportunity for seeking patent protection internationally)
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords Oral contrast medium; Natural; Cholangio-MRI; Juice; Product, Diagnostic, Imaging.
Filed on 09 March 2021

Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) represents the first-line noninvasive imaging technique for evaluation of the biliary tract. A known limitation of MRCP is represented by the possible overlap between the fluids contained within the bilio-pancreatic system and the fluids contained within the grastro-intestinal tract (stomach, duodenum, jejunum), which can hide or simulate a pathological situation.

Natural product, propaedeutic to a medical purpose (magnetic resonance diagnostic investigation), with excellent palatability and contained costs, administered to each patient at the dose necessary to obtain the prefixed purpose (abatement of the intestinal signal).


  • contained costs
  • excellent palatability
  • ease of productionsuitable for all patients
  • reduction of waste (single dose for each patient)
  • reduction of the possibility of contamination
Page published on: 28 April 2021