Transformation of ethanol into butanol

Method for obtaining higher aliphatic alcohols starting from aliphatic primary alcohols by means of a condensation reaction.

Patent title Improved process for the transformation of primary aliphatic alcohols into higher aliphatic alcohols
Thematic area Industry, Digital and Security
Inventors Tommaso Tabanelli, Cristiana Cesari, Francesco Puzzo, CARLO LUCARELLI, Valerio Zanotti, Fabrizio Cavani, Rita Mazzoni
Protection Italy, Europe, USA
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords Ethanol, Butanol, Guerbet, Catalyst
Filed on 05 April 2018

Over the past decade, applications of ethanol as a platform chemical have aroused new interest because of both environmental concerns connected with petrochemical processes and new economic opportunities seen in bio-based feedstocks. 

Indeed, bio-ethanol has been demonstrated to be a promising and “green” reactant for both biofuels and biochemicals, particularly if it is derived from non-food crops and lignocellulosic materials (second-generation biomass).The catalytic conversion of (bio)ethanol into butanol is an attractive route to upgrade the modest fuel characteristics of this widely available bioderived substrate into a molecule that has properties much closer to conventional gasoline.

Starting from the known art, through the use of an additive, the patent offers a catalytic system able, through the controlled condensation of primary alkaline alcohols, to improve yields, selectivity and reaction times, responding to the technical problem related to by-products and to the energy cost of the process with an improved procedure.

Bio-ethanol has been demonstrated to be a promising and “green” reactant for both biofuels and biochemicals, particularly if it is derived from non-food crops and lignocellulosic materials (second-generation biomass).The catalytic conversion of (bio)ethanol into butanol is an attractive route to upgrade the modest fuel characteristics of this widely available bioderived substrate into a molecule that has properties much closer to conventional gasoline.


- Reaction time is lower, up to 4-10 times, if compared with the literature (similar conditions)

- considerable improvement on process costs and management

- the catalyst and the additive can be recycled without sensitive reduction of the catalytic activity.

Page published on: 15 October 2018