Material for packaging

Compositions for use in packaging products sensitive to oxygen such as food, drugs and cosmetics

Patent title Material for oxygen barrier packaging
Thematic area Industry, Digital and Security
Inventors Marco Malferrari, Beatrice Fraboni, Francesco Zerbetto, Gastone Castellani, Stefania Rapino
Protection Europe
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords Composition, packaging, oxygen, matrix
Filed on 04 April 2018

Many products are susceptible to deterioration and/or oxidation when they are exposed to atmospheric oxygen. To prevent this oxidation, oxygen must be removed from the container or must not enter the container where the products are stored.

The invention relates to compositions for use in packaging products sensitive to oxygen.

• Use of non-toxic material

• Use of materials from food industry by-products

• Possibility to display the goods contained in the packaging

• Efficiency of the oxygen barrier

Page published on: 22 May 2018