Therapy for cognitive disability in Down syndrome

The invention relates to methods of restoring brain development in individuals with Down syndrome.

Patent title Perinatal treatment with a flavonoid agonist of the TRKB receptor for BDNF rescues neurogenesis and behavior in the Ts65Dn mouse model of DS
Thematic area Health
Inventors Fiorenza Stagni, Renata Bartesaghi
Protection USA
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords Neurogenesis, Hippocampus, Down syndrome, Receptor, Flavonoid
Filed on 15 September 2017

Down syndrome (DS) is a relatively common genetic condition (1:750–1000) caused by the triplication of human chromosome 21. One of the most important consequences of trisomy 21 is a delay in neurological development, which manifests progressively as microcephaly and intellectual disability. Neurogenesis reduction and impaired dendritic morphogenesis are the major neurodevelopmental defects of DS and are thought to underlie cognitive disability. The molecular mechanisms underlying brain development alterations are likely to be manifold, due to the complexity of gene imbalance in DS, and no therapies currently exist for the rescue of neurocognitive impairment in DS.

The invention relates to methods of restoring brain development in individuals with Down syndrome.

The main application is in the medicine field.

Page published on: 26 September 2018