Method for identification of PTCL subtypes

The invention is a method for the diagnosis of a Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma (PTCL) and subtypes through the use of a molecular signature.

Patent title Method and diagnostic kit for identification of PTCL subtypes
Thematic area Health
Inventors Fabio Fuligni, Pier Paolo Piccaluga, Maria Antonella Laginestra, Maura Rossi, Stefano Pileri
Protection Italy
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma (PTCL), gene expression profile, molecular signature, diagnostics, differential diagnosis
Filed on 19 December 2014

Peripheral T-cell lymphomas are very aggressive tumours, and their diagnosis is particularly difficult. Nevertheless, a prompt and correct diagnosis is essential for an optimal patients prognostication and treatment. 

We identified the molecular signatures specific of the commonest nodal PTCLs. By testing them in a phase 4 diagnostic accuracy study developed according to the Evidence Based Medicine rules, we demonstrated their efficiency in discriminating the different tumour types. 

Advantages of the Invention:

1. Improvement of the diagnostic accuracy for PTCL differential diagnosis;

2. Relatively easy tool (the algorithms necessary for the analysis are available online without costs); 

3. Reproducibility and possibility of standardization among different laboratories.

Page published on: 14 June 2016