Pear Variety: PE1UNIBO* Lucy Sweet™

PE1UNIBO* Lucy Sweet™ is a very interesting new pear variety with early maturity (-10 days before Williams), high cropping and excellent pomological characteristics and fruit shelf-life.

Variety denomination PE1UNIBO
Thematic area Plant varieties
Breeders Vincenzo Ancarani, Stefano Musacchi, Silviero Sansavini
Protection European Community; United States
Licensing status Rights of multiplication, production and marketing not yet licensed.
Species Pyrus communis L.

The new pear variety PE1UNIBO* Lucy SweetTM comes from a genetic improvement programme which began in the 1990s. Today over 23,000 seedlings have been obtained from 276 cross-breeding combinations (of which 69 for resistance to disease and insects). From the work carried out in recent years on the seedlings from the first cross-breeding session in 1990-93, 389 genotypes were identified, taken to phase S2 (multiplied and assessed on small plots of 3-5 trees); of these, 49 were taken to a subsequent evaluation phase (on larger plots and in different growing conditions). Finally, for four selections it was possible to envisage further developments which led to the application for protection with applications for plant variety rights on 8 April 2014 (PE1UNIBO, PE2UNIBO. PE3UNIBO, PE4UNIBO). Since 2007, the genetic improvement activities on pears at the University of Bologna have also been supported by cooperation with CIV (Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti) from S. Giuseppe di Comacchio (Ferrara) with whom the commercial strategies will be decided.

  • Tree: medium-high vigour on vigorous rootstocks, with upright growth.
  • Flowering: Medium-early flowering, a few days before Abate Fétel.
  • Time of maturity: The fruit ripens early, in the third decade of July and on average 10 days before Williams.
  • Fruit: medium size (170-180g); truncated pyriform, slightly polymorphic appearance. Green skin (even at physiological maturity), smooth and thin, with widespread light roughness (15-20% of the surface) at the eye and stalk. Light over colour in exposed fruits (5-10%). Tender, juicy flesh; fine texture; high sugar content (above 15° Brix) and low acidity. Excellent flavour. Shelf-life has been shown to be valid up to 6 months after harvesting in “dynamic controlled atmosphere” (-0.5 C°, CO2 <0.8 %, O2 0.7-1.3 %) as well as in normal atmosphere at -1°C.
  • Agronomic evaluation: Good grafting affinity with quince and good balance between growth and fruit production, rapid entry into production with high, constant cropping. The main bearing habit is based on shoots on 2-3 year branches (it responds well to shortening the small branches and the periodic renewal of the fruit-bearing growth); in earlier plants it also produces on sprigs. On non-vigorous quinces (MC clones) the production may also come from fruit-bearing growth on the main trunk. Tends to bear fruit in bunches and in years with high load it must be thinning to avoid compromising the fruit size; in this regard, it is not advised to use excessively dwarfing rootstocks.


Patents and Trade Marks:

  • Community plant variety right application (EU plant variety rights, c/o CPVO) no. 2014/0969 held by Alma Mater Studiorum-University of BolognaEU trade mark Lucy Sweet™ no. 013234836/2014 filed by the University of Bologna.

  • Sansavini S., Musacchi S., Ancarani V., 2002. Four new varieties by the University of Bologna. Frutticoltura. n. 10-2013: 20-24.
Page published on: 30 September 2014