81852 - Catalan Literature (LM)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Docente: Pau Sitjà Márquez
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: L-LIN/05
  • Language: Catalan
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Modern, Post-Colonial and Comparative Literatures (cod. 0981)

Learning outcomes

The student has a deep knowledge of the contemporary literature in Catalan, with particular regard to the relationships between literary texts and history, language and the arts. She/he is able to use critical methodologies to read and analyze literary texts. In particular, the course will be focused on some literary texts and authors of the XX century.

Course contents

Journey across Catalan literature

  • Introduction
    1. What is Catalan literature
    2. Characteristics and problems of the Catalan literature
  • Il Medioevo
    1. I trovatori. L’amor cortese
    2. Jordi de Sant Jordi, Estramps
    3. Ausiàs March, «Alt e amor, d’on gran desigs’engendra »
  • L’Età moderna
    1. Pere Serafí, «Si em lleví de bon matí...»
    2. Francesc Vicent Garcia, «A una hermosa dama de cabell negre...»
    3. Joan Ramis i Ramis, «Lucrècia»
  • XIX secolo
    1. Bonaventura Carles Aribau, «La pàtria»
    2. Jacint Verdaguer, «La plana de Vic» i Canigó
  • Il Modernismo
    1. Víctor Català, Pròleg a Drames Rurals
    2. Joan Maragall, «La vaca cega»
  • Il Novecento e le Avanguardie
    1. Josep Carner, Els fruits saborosos
    2. Joan Salvat-Papasseit, «El Poema de la Rosa als Llavis»
    3. J.V. Foix, «És quan dormo que hi veig clar»
  • Il Dopoguerra
    1. Joan Oliver, «Corrandes d'exili» i «La vaca suïssa»
    2. Salvador Espriu, «Assaig de càntic en el temple»


CABRÉ, Jaume, MIRA, Joan F., PALOMERO, Joan (1979). Història de la literatura catalana amb textos. Barcelona: Rosa sensat/ Edicions 62.

CASALS, Glòria, LLANAS, Manuel, PINYOL I TORRENS, Ramon, SOLDEVILA, Llorenç (1994). SOLC: Literatura catalana amb textos comentats. Barcelona: Edicions 62.

GUSTÀ, Marina, SANTAMARIA, Núria, SANTANACH, Joan (2007). La literatura catalana, en una perspectiva europea. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya.

In order to follow and to understand better the lessons of Catalan literature, it is advertisable to always bring the anthology of texts (ask the teacher to get it).

Required reading: every student will have to read a book written in Catalan language (novel, essay, etc.) and will be asked to make a short presentation of it. The chosen books will have to be agreed with the teacher. At the beginning of the course the teacher will provide a list of Catalan book titles translated to Italian so that students may have some helpful references.

Useful resources:

LletrA [https://lletra.uoc.edu/] . La literatura catalana a internet.

Núvol [https://www.nuvol.com/] . Diari digital de cultura en català.

Poetàrium [http://poetarium.llull.cat/poetarium/index.cfm/CAT/inici.html] . Contemporary catalan poetry.

Associació d’escriptors en llengua catalana [https://www.escriptors.cat/] .

Diccionari [https://www.escriptors.cat/] dell’IEC.

Optimot [https://aplicacions.llengua.gencat.cat/llc/AppJava/index.html]

Portale linguistico della Corporazione Catalana di Mezzi Audiovisivi [http://esadir.cat/] : dubbi e neologismi della vita quotidiana.

Dizionario [https://www.enciclopedia.cat/obra/Diccionaris-bilingues/Diccionari-catala-italia] catalano-italiano on-line dell'Enciclopèdia Catalana.

Versioni cartacee disponibili in biblioteca:

Diccionari català-italià, Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana, 1986 [reed.].

Diccionari italià-català, Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana, 2002.

Gramàtica catalana [https://publicacions.iec.cat/repository/pdf/00000044%5C00000005.pdf] (Institut d’Estudis Catalans)

Teaching methods

This course will be carried out in Catalan language, and it will consist of a journey across Catalan literature, through the different literary ages in which the poems and pieces were written. Emphasis will be put on the most emblematic poems so that students have a panoramic vision of the Catalan literature production of all times at the end of the course, always with reference to the wider European panorama. Given the fact that it will be necessary to comment, to analyze and to manipulate texts, students are invited to participate actively during the sessions and their attendance is kindly requested.

During the year various activities will be held using multimedia materials (mainly music and video fragments) so that students will be able to delve into the contextualization of the cultural and literary phenomena. This way, students will be able to capture the fundamental elements of the studied literary texts.

In order to guarantee the fruitful acquisition of the literary and cultural contents, students are strongly advised to attend this course.

Assessment methods

Along the course, students will have to reflect their own learning process and, thus, they will have to participate in their own assessment. Hence, students will carry out self-assessment exercises in order to evaluate their evolution.

The students will have to give an oral presentation of a text and summarize a text that will be provided by the teacher. Furthermore, at the end of the course, the students will have to pass a written exam (text commentary). The students will have the possibility to make a presentation of a literary movement, and/or focus on a specific author and they will have to carry out several projects related to this figure.

Before the final exams, samples of tests will be passed to the students so that they are able to practice aspects that may not be clear enough. The teacher will be available to students in order to carry out the appropriate corrections of these exams and, needless to say, to clarify any doubt that can arise during the learning progress.

Teaching tools

Other meetings, language training activities in Catalan and/or a book club will be held. Furthermore, other cultural and literary activities will be organized, such as small literary events and/or different poetry recitals.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Pau Sitjà Márquez