75466 - Research on Historic Building M

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Engineering of Building Processes and Systems (cod. 8829)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the activity, the student has carried-out an in-depth study on one of the topics covered by the course.

Course contents

At the end of the activity, the student has planned and carried out a research activity stictly related to one of the topics he/she is developing within his/her graduation thesis. This will complement the thesis work by: a) providing useful elements to better focalise the topic the thesis addresses, or b) deepening some aspects only partially explored within the thesis program


The bibliography will be suggested during the course, with reference to the specific topics that will be addressed

Teaching methods

In coordination with the Thesis Supervisor, the course will assist the student in identifying a topic, in formulating a research program and in its execution, up to the production of a synthesis paper which exposes the methods adopted and summarizes the results obtained
The development of the activity will be accompanied by periodic seminars to verify both the approach of the work and the states of progressive progress

Assessment methods

The verification of learning consists in evaluating the correspondence to the objectives, the methodological correctness and completeness of the research as summarized in the report that the student will produce at the end of the activity and which must have obtained the preliminary approval of the supervisor of the degree thesis.

The judgment will be based on the weighted application of the following three criteria: knowledge of theoretical contents and bibliography and acquisition of instrumental skills (30%), level of depth of the design hypothesis (30%), clarity and effectiveness in the presentation (40%) ).

Teaching tools


Office hours

See the website of Ernesto Antonini