Academic Year 2018/2019

Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop the student is capable of moving autonomously applying specific techniques learned on their own, or inside design organized by the institutions. Can with others on how use and documentation of the techniques learned.  Can place the specific knowledge learned in different types of service. Can you assess the strengths and weaknesses of instrumentation techniques learned. Can transfer technologies learned in different contexts while making amendments and additions personal.

Course contents

The educational-animative intervention to promote the quality of life in the fragile and non self-sufficient elderly.

The laboratory aims to provide the theoretical-practical knowledge related to the educational-animative approach, also defined as non-pharmacological therapies, to respond to social, cultural and educational needs in the context of the elderly.

The laboratory, after an initial presentation of the theoretical aspects from which the non-pharmacological therapies have started, will shift its focus on the main approaches and methodologies aimed at the person with dementia in order to offer the necessary knowledge to:
- Implement non-pharmacological therapies and promote individualized socio-animational approaches in integration and / or alternative to drug therapy;
- Knowing how to identify and plan animation activities for people with dementia and behavioral disorders;
- Observe and see through the potentials and skills of others and encourage their rehabilitation.



Bruno I., Chattat R., Canova S. (2014), Il manuale dell’animatore sociale, Santarcangelo di Romagna, Maggioli.

Camp C. J. (2016), Vivere con l'Alzheimer. Consigli semplici per la vita quotidiana. Trento, Edizioni centro studi Erickson.

E. Luppi (2014), Prendersi cura della terza età. Valutare e innovare i servizi per anziani fragili e non autosufficienti. Franco Angeli, Milano.

Taddia F., Caltagirone A., Ricifari F. (a cura di) (2004), Il viaggio dello scrigno, Bologna, Alberto Perdisa Editore.

Taddia F. (2012), Il percorso di sviluppo dell’animazione, in Orsi W., Ciarrocchi R.A., D’Anastasio C. (2012) (a cura di), Animazione e demenze, Santarcangelo di Romagna, Maggioli.

Taddia F. (2012) (a cura di), Laboratori di animazione per la terza età. Percorsi socio educativi, Erickson, Trento.

Teaching methods

Students will be offered: moments of frontal lecture and dialogue lesson that will form the basis for group work, case studies, project development. The results of research conducted in the field and the results of innovative educational practices will also be presented.

Assessment methods

The students will be evaluated on the basis of the work done during the workshop which will consist in the realization of a project.

Teaching tools

The teaching material presented in class is made available to the student.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Federica Taddia