Anno Accademico 2022/2023

  • Docente: Luca Pietrantoni
  • Crediti formativi: 4
  • SSD: M-PSI/06
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

At the end of the module students will be able to understand innovation processes in workplaces and organizations, to acquire knowledge on innovation management in the industry and in the labour market, to identify contribution of WOP Psychology in the design of innovative products and services.


The teaching activity aims to provide an advanced theoretical and empirical approach to understand the role of innovation in various workplaces and industries. The following topics will be covered:

  • Innovations in WOP psychological research: big data and machine learning methods.
  • Open innovation: business models, open innovation practices, and their impact on companies and firms.
  • Diffusion of innovation theory: theoretical models and practical implications, including cases of "early adopters" in technological innovations.
  • Innovation management of CEOs/founders of start-ups and spin-offs.
  • Innovative leadership style in a hybrid work environment.
  • Innovations in skills assessment: skills, reskilling, and upskilling, a taxonomy of soft skills, and skill mismatch in different countries.
  • Psychological issues in technological innovations: acceptance of technology in the workplace, human-technology interaction in the workplace (human-AI, human-robot collaboration), potential and realized impacts of new technologies on the workplace.
  • Examples and use cases from European projects, as well as case studies from industrial projects with national and international companies.


Papers for the preparation of the written exam (30 multiple-choice questions) will be given in class.

Preliminary list is the following:

  1. Naqshbandi, M. M., & Tabche, I. (2018). The interplay of leadership, absorptive capacity, and organizational learning culture in open innovation: Testing a moderated mediation model. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 133, 156-167.
  2. Ogink, R. H., Goossen, M. C., Romme, A. G. L., & Akkermans, H. (2022). Mechanisms in open innovation: A review and synthesis of the literature.Technovation, 102621.
  3. Bell, B. S., McAlpine, K. L., & Hill, N. S. (2023). Leading Virtually.Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior,10.
  4. Michael Frese and Michael M. Gielnik (2023). The Psychology of Entrepreneurship: Action and Process Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 2023 10:1, 137-164
  5. An additional paper


Metodi didattici

Flipped classroom.

Flipped classroom is a teaching approach that requires students to complete assigned readings, watch videos or listen to audio lectures before coming to class. Here are some instructions for students about the flipped classroom:

Before the class:

  • Read any assigned readings and take notes on important concepts.
  • Watch any assigned videos or listen to any audio lectures.
  • Make a list of questions you have or concepts that you would like to discuss with the group and the discussion leader

During the class:

  • Be prepared to discuss the material from the readings or lectures.
  • Participate in group activities or discussions about the material.
  • Ask questions and share your thoughts on the topic.

After the class:

  • Review the material covered in the class.
  • Follow up on any unresolved questions or topics.
  • Prepare for any upcoming assignments or assessments based on the material covered.

It's important to come prepared to class, having read and watched any assigned material, and being ready to participate actively in the class activities.

Only a minor numer of classes will be lectures, in which the lecturer reviews the literature, presents conceptual issues and empirical findings, and invites questions and comments. The lecture slides will be made available on the virtual platform after the lectures.

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

The final assessment is based on the evaluation of acquired knowledge and skills and is carried out using various evaluation methods.

The total score is 31 points (30 points plus "cum laude" distinction), and the minimum threshold for passing is 18/30.

There are two assignments, which evaluate writing, presenting, and researching skills in the context of scientific documents. The assignments must be submitted via the virtual platform (virtuale.unibo.it), and the instructions for each are provided on the platform. The assignments require individual work at home and may include the preparation of an oral presentation. Assignments will be awarded the maximum number of points if they fully comply with the instructions, are structured with clear and logical sections, offer original and thoughtful insights, thoroughly develop objectives with well-argued arguments supported by specific, concrete, and appropriate details, are written entirely in Standard English, contain no significant errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar, fully adhere to the conventions of academic prose, and meet the standards of APA.

Assignment 1 "Interview a manager about innovation" is worth up to 8 points. It requires an analysis of a specific innovation in an industrial or professional setting, including interviewing an innovation manager or co-founder of a start-up or spin-off about the innovation, the working environment, the innovation management process, and psychological aspects. The paper should be structured as follows: description of the industry or work environment, interview, analysis of innovation management process, and contribution of WOP psychology. The assignment has a maximum limit of 2000 words (including title and references), minimum of 1500 words, must use Times New Roman 11 font with a line spacing of 1, must adhere to APA style and language, and include at least 1 table and 1 figure. Examples of tables and figures include a table with quotes and themes from your interview's content, or a figure that shows a conceptual scheme. You may also create an adaptation, simplification, or enrichment of an existing figure from academic books or papers. Additionally, you can include a photo of your chosen working environment or an interface where a staff member interacts with an innovative solution. A representation of the organizational structure of your manager's company, a taxonomy with text and examples, and a list of recommendations are also acceptable options.

Assignment 2 "A paper into a story" is worth up to 4 points. It requires selecting an academic paper on mediated moderation or moderated mediation and translating it into a story. The work must be related to WOP psychology and presented in a PowerPoint presentation with three slides. The slides should contain a picture of the workers/participants' working environment, the picture of the results, and a story describing in simple terms the meaning of the moderation/mediation "using sample items for each variable."

Active participation is also assessed and can contribute up to 4/30 points. It is evaluated by asking questions, taking notes, not engaging in secondary tasks, building on prior knowledge and personal experience, participating in group activities, and attending classes.

Finally, there is a written exam with 30 multiple-choice questions worth up to 15/30 points. The questions are based solely on the papers and chapters read, and each student must find the full-text versions of the papers and chapters listed. The exam will last 45 minutes.

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Luca Pietrantoni


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