Anno Accademico 2018/2019

  • Docente: Albert Caruana
  • Crediti formativi: 6
  • SSD: SECS-P/08
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Direzione aziendale (cod. 0897)

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

The course refers to marketing strategies and decisions connected to the the most important outcome of a marketing program, the brand and its value (in competitive and in eco-fin terms). In particular, the student is expected to understand: - What is brand value (equity) and its links with marketing strategies - The link between brand equity and the value for the customer (i.e. measurement of the value for the customer techniques); - The management of brand and its kinks with the overall marketing strategy of a company.


The course will provide students with the ability to consider international brands from the perspective of companies operating both in consumer good and industrial markets. Students shall be able to develop brand strategies and supporting activities for firms operating at both a domestic and an international level. Specifically, the course will seek to provide students with:

  • An ability to identify, analyze, and apply marketing thinking to the circumstances of international brands
  • Understand the role of brand positioning and brand resonance in equity building and successful brand management
  • Understand the impact of Internet technologies and the role of e-commerce and social media on global offerings and brand strategy
  • Understand product and corporate branding and the increased importance of umbrella branding
  • An ability to consider the marketing activities that can be used to create sustainable competitive advantage and equity building for brands
  • Build the necessary knowledge to operate effectively in pursuit of a career in brand management marketing.


  • Keller Kevin L Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring and Managing Brand Equity, Essex, UK: Pearson.

Students should read around the various lectures. It is important to keep in mind that it is bad practice to hope to learn a subject by relying on a single book or just the lecture slides. The book indicated can act as a useful reference and students would do well to also refer to a number of brand and marketing journals. These include: Journal of Product and Brand Management, Journal of Brand Strategy, Journal of Brand Management. Some perusal of current brand issues from an EU (e.g., The Financial Times - www.ft.com) and a US perspective (e.g., The Wall Street Journal - www.wsj.com ) would also be rewarding.

Metodi didattici

The course will be taught using a variety of formats, including lectures, classroom discussions and case presentations. Students will gain knowledge not only from marketing theory, but also from different cases and examples that will illustrate the actual situation of firms operating both domestically and internationally. Cases will be used to provide practical experience to students and to help them apply their knowledge to the circumstances faced by international firms. Meaningful participation of individuals during the case studies and classes is expected during the course.

A tutor is normally assigned to this course and will be responsible for coordinating the components of the integrated course and assisting students with related issues.

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

Case Exam

The class will divide into teams whose size will depend on the number of registered participants at the start of the course.

The objective is to read the assigned case and answer the questions set in a 20-minute presentation. Each group also needs to submit a two-page Executive Summary of their answers. Be prepared for questions following your presentation.


Your individual grades for the presentation will be based on the quality and content coverage in the oral presentation and in the Executive Summary. All team members will get the same mark. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Each team member must make a substantial contribution to all segments of the work required. If for some reason you believe that a team member is not contributing equally to team effort, you will need to inform the lecturer immediately. There is no point in doing so after the presentation/ submission.

Each team member must make a substantial contribution to all segments of the work required. If for some reason you believe that a team member is not contributing equally to team effort inform me immediately. There is no point in coming to me after the submission/presentation.

Strumenti a supporto della didattica

Case studies will be used throughout the course to provide a realistic understanding of the application of principles. Student preparation, presence, and participation are critical for deriving the maximum benefit from the case study teaching method. Cases will be made available electronically. Students who do not find reading in English easy should read these cases before the sessions.

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Albert Caruana