Anno Accademico 2018/2019

  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Aerospace engineering / ingegneria aerospaziale (cod. 8769)

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

In the first part of the course, the student acquires fundamentals on systems engineering of space systems and the key aspects of spacecraft systems design. He/she will also learn the design considerations which come into play in laying out a space mission and its preliminary design. In the second part of the course, students are taken step-by-step through the complete process of creating and evaluating multiple methods for reducing space mission cost and schedule and critically evaluate alternative ways of achieving mission objectives at dramatically lower cost and in much less time.


    The course covers the design of spacecraft subsystems and space missions with the context of small satellites. The course comprises of 20 lectures. The lectures are intended to familiarize the students with systems engineering practices and tools, subsystem sizing and design, current industry trends and state-of the art research in small satellite engineering.


    There is no single reader or text book for this course. References and links to relevant material will be provided during each lecture.

Metodi didattici

The pedagogical approach for this course is based on a set of lectures that combine a presentation with in-class activities. A major component of the assessment is also a group project where the students will collectively engage in a preliminary mission design. This method is focused on developing the following skills among students:

  • increase analysis capacity and lateral thinking,
  • emphasize individual pro-activeness and self-organization,
  • encourage cooperative work.

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

There will be two assessment components – A written Exam and a Group Assignment. Additionally, in-class participation can result in bonus points.

Written Exam

The exam will be an open-book written exam that tests

  • The ability of the student to identify and explain key aspects of satellite missions based on the lectures
  • The ability of the students to draw inferences from the material presented in the lectures

The Exam will be mainly based on content delivered during the lectures. However, there could be questions that test basic and general aspects in the context of satellite engineering.

Group assignment

As a deliverable of the group work, each group will deliver a final report or demonstration that will evaluated for

  • Project planning and management
  • Presentation and defence of the work
  • Application of Systems engineering methods
  • Functionality/feasibilityof the work
  • Independence and creativity

Strumenti a supporto della didattica

Il docente fornirà le slides che includeranno ulteriori note esplicative sui contenuti del corso. Durante il corso gli studenti svolgeranno brevi attività in gruppi di 2 o 3 persone che verranno poi discussi con la classe. L'obiettivo di queste attività è di fornire un ambiente simile a quello di studio per promuovere l'utilizzo di attività di apprendimento attivo durante le lezioni come metodo complementare alle regolari lezioni frontali.  

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Prem Prasad Sundaramoorthy