Anno Accademico 2015/2016

  • Docente: Alireza Jay Naghavi
  • Crediti formativi: 8
  • SSD: SECS-P/01
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
  • Moduli: Gianmarco Ireo Paolo Ottaviano (Modulo 1) Alireza Jay Naghavi (Modulo 2)
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza (Modulo 1) Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Laurea in Economics and finance /economia e finanza (cod. 8835)


1. Globalization and its discontents

a) Key concepts and key facts

b) Opposite views

2. Cause and Consequences of International Trade

a) North-South Trade: The Comparative Advantage Theory

- The Ricardian Model

- The Specific Factors Model

- The Factor Proportions Model

b) North-North Trade: Economies of Scale and Imperfect Competition

3. Trade Policy

a) The Instruments of Trade Policies

b) The Political Economy of Trade Policies

4. International Factor Movements, Globalization, and Developing Countries

a) Foreign direct investment and migration

b) Offshoring, outsourcing, and licensing

c) Trade policy in developing countries

d) Controversies about the WTO and globalization (intellectual property rights, labor standards, trade and environment)


P. Krugman, M. Obstfeld, M. Melitz, "International Trade: Theory and Policy”, 10th Edition, Pearson, 2014.

R. Feenstra, A. Taylor, "International Economics", 3rd Edition, Macmillan, 2013.

Further Readings:

R. Freeman, "Are your Wages Set in Beijing?", Journal of Economic Perspectives 9(3), 15-32, 1995.

J..Markusen, J. Melvin, W. Kaempfer, K. Maskus , "International trade, Theory and Evidence", McGraw-Hill, 1995.

W. Martin, K. Maskus, "Core Labor Standards and Competitiveness: Implications for Global Trade Policy", Review of International Economics, 9(2), 317-328, 2001.

K. Maskus, "Intellectual Property Rights in the Global Economy", Institute for International Economics, 2000 (chapter 3).

G.B. Naveretti, A.J. Venables, et al., "Multinational Firms in the World Economy", Princeton University Press, 2006.

H. Nordstrom, S. Vaughan, "Trade and Environment: Special Studies 4", World Trade Organization Report, Geneva, 1999 (chapter 3). available online: http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/envir_e/environment.pdf

P. Samuelson, "Where Ricardo and Mill Rebut and Confirm Arguments of Mainstream Economists Supporting Globalization", Journal of Economic Perspectives 18(3), 135-146, 2004.

P. Krugman, M. Obstfeld, " Study Guide" (solutions to exercises in the book and additional exercises)

Metodi didattici

During the 60 teaching hours, respective arguments will be confronted in the order indicated in the program. After the presentation of the underlying theory behind the topic under study, the political economy applications of each and relevant exercises will be carried out.

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

The course will be concluded by a written examination.

Strumenti a supporto della didattica

Lectures, exercises, presentations.

Link ad altre eventuali informazioni


Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Alireza Jay Naghavi

Consulta il sito web di Gianmarco Ireo Paolo Ottaviano