93577 - Workshop on Textual Analysis (D)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Primary Teacher Education (cod. 5711)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop, the student: - knows how to apply what was covered in the integrated course within a simulated learning environment; - knows how to reflect critically in a group on the proposed topics.

Course contents

The workshop aims to lead students to reflect on how they read, analyse and correct texts written at school by children. Authentic texts by children extracted from corpora collected for research purposes by the teacher will be brought into the classroom.

In the first meeting, the workshop activities will be presented and the requirements for the final paper will be explained. In the workshop, students will work individually, in pairs and in small groups on the analysis of texts written by primary school children.

In the second meeting, they will reflect together on the transition from text analysis to the different correction methods possible with respect to the level of competence demonstrated by the child in the text.


The bibliography will be updated

Cignetti L., Demartini S., Fornara S., Viale M., (2022), Didattica dell’italiano come lingua prima, Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 159- 168 (stesso di programma De Santis)

Cignetti L., Fornara S., Il piacere di scrivere. Guida all’italiano del terzo millennio, Carocci, 2017 (II ed), pp. 281-288.

Della Casa, Scrivere testi. Il processo, i problemi educativi, le tecniche, La Nuova Italia, 1994, p. 504

Pallotti G., Ferrari S., (2019), Osservare l’interlingua. Un sillabo per un’educazione linguistica inclusiva ed efficace, https://interlingua.comune.re.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/OssIL-libro-6feb19.pdf


Teaching methods

The workshop proceeds in an inductive mode, involving work on the text both individually, in pairs and in small groups. After comparing the texts, the lecturer will provide a model of analysis and proceed to agree on a number of collective analyses, in which the most significant elements emerging from the discussion will be selected.

Assessment methods

The workshop is valid for one credit and there will be 17 hours of individual work at the end of the meetings to write the final paper.

The deadline for submission of the final paper is Monday 23 October 2023. As per the regulations, absences from the workshop are not permitted.

The assessment includes the following possibilities: rejected, -1, 0, + 1

Final paper - to be submitted by 23 October by email to veronica.ujcich@unibo.it

Formal specifications: 2 pages, Times New Roman 12 font, 1.5 line spacing. All citations must include the full bibliographical reference with page number in the footnote. The text must be divided into paragraphs according to the content units.

Content:  The final paper will consist of a report on the text analysis experiences conducted during the workshop. On the basis of examples from the texts provided or from other authentic children's texts, candidates will reflect on the relationship between what they experienced in the classroom and what they intend to implement in their own teaching practice.

Teaching tools

The texts analysed and the materials used will be made available to students on the virtual platform.unibo.it

Given the workshop mode, no slides are provided.

Office hours

See the website of Veronica Ujcich