Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Electrical Energy Engineering (cod. 9066)

Learning outcomes

At the end of this course students are provided with specific knowledge of advanced English language in scientific and technical field.

Course contents

Facoltà di Ingegneria Anno Academico 2023-24

First Semester

Technical English Course

Scheme of work (Piano di Lavoro)

The course is divided into ten-lessons. Each lesson lasts three hours. The total course is thirty hours.The lessons will be every Tuesday from 11-14 and 16.00-19.00 in rooms 5.4 e 5.5 respectively.

The ten lessons will focus on themes related to the world of engineering. An ulterior aspect of the course will involve conversational English and how to write an essay.

The course content may include various aspects of the following themes:

The world of electric vehicles and charging posts (colonnine di ricarica)

The world of technology in 2023 

The Green life. Cycling and MIPS technology in helmets.

Recycling of rubbish

The world of skyscrapers

The world of wood.

How we get around today in 2023 in cities. For example, E-Scooters.(monopattini).

The world of biomass

The world of alternative energy sources.

Docente Benjamin Goodall

Office hours

See the website of Benjamin Alexander Naisby Goodall