39175 - Teaching Methods for Physical Activity

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Dietistic (cod. 8470)

Learning outcomes

The student will learn about physical activity as a primary and secondary prevention tool for chronic illnesses

Course contents

  • Analysis of the different types of exercise and adaptive armatures.


  • Exercise and physical efficiency.


  • Dosage and physical exercise -Noections on cardiovascular training and for increasing muscle strength


  • Physical and overweight


The lectures are published in powerpoint, the reference site

Teaching methods




Frontal lesson with multimedia presentations lesson

Assessment methods

The student will be asked two main questions related to the topics included in the program, during the lessons. The assessment of the preparation of the student will be able to make use of further questions aimed at specifying aspects related to the main questions.
Passing the exam will be guaranteed to the students who will demonstrate mastery and operational skills in relation to the key concepts illustrated in the teaching, and in particular to the ability to comprehend and manage the complexity of the project. A higher score will be given to the students who will demonstrate that they have understood and be able to use all the teaching contents illustrating them with ability and peculiar language properties, solving even complex issues, showing good operational control, etc. Failure to pass the exam may be due to insufficient knowledge of key concepts, failure to master the specific technical language and failure or insufficient operational capacity

Teaching tools

The lessons will be accompanied by visual and audiovisual supports.

Teaching material: The teaching material presented in class is made available to the student in electronic format via the Internet. This material will provide the guidelines for in-depth studies carried out during the lessons

Office hours

See the website of Pasqualino Maietta Latessa